
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:57:27
西班牙语中,Que le dicen a ella los amigos,这句中为什么要是用le呢,是什么语法现象啊? 根据回答填空 问:De ___________ son los lapices?答:Los lapices son de Ramon.横线里应该填什么?还有一个问题是,El almuerzo es a las doce del ________.(表示中午) 英俊的意思是神马,亲们. baja一共有几个品牌在做?小弟一直都在玩8车的电越和大脚,从未接触过5车.当初吸引我的倒反是5车,现在想入手一个汽油5车,是baja好还是短卡好 分别有什么品牌在做?国货能支持么?我玩8车都是k BAJA转向问题.转向感觉半径小了,但是遥控器显示已经120度了,前几天拆了拆,发现车放在地上打转向,轮子转不过去..两台车接收器盒换了一下,还是一样的效果,难道是舵机臂?转向组?舵机无问题, 什么是baja 5b YOU can ride on this when these is a lot of ROVAN BAJA 5B 好还是KM BAJA 5T好? that is the meaning of this? 空运费用及DHL的费用计算方法是什么? 关于At the age of six,lying in the bedroom……的一篇文章要全文At the age of six,lying in the bedroom,I listened to their chat about paychecks.I concluded that my family was__Their money talk__,and a thought hit me:Dad had to __for me. Tom studies Chinese well.用who,Jim改为比较级问句形式 My husb and YOU see,my two children killed in an auto accident and now it's just my husb这其中的it's 是怎样解释的YOU see,my two children were killed in an auto accident and now it's just my husband and me. Lucy studies Chinese well.对“well”提问 ______ ______Lucy _______Chinese? MY BOTTLE杯子为什么漏水是因为盖子盖的不对么 Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep谁帮我解析一下这个句子,从句子成分到词性什么的 Keep your eyes at the sun,and you will never see the shadows. 八一班的同学准备开展“走上辩论台”语文综合性学习活动,现在请你也一起参与进来.材料:虎妈,美国耶鲁大学华裔教授,原名蔡美儿.由其撰写的《虎妈战歌》一书在美国引起轰动.她骂女儿 bedroom卧室的英语怎讲,用中文谐音 超能力 英语短文谁有关于写超能力的英语短文 all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she and the prince got married the very next day.汉语 The prince thought a little and then said 'is your life very hand in offal Court,'句子中的 is your 为什么不用 are your 王子的真名是什么 星巴克店里买的透明水杯,材料是AS树脂,泡了一周的柠檬水后杯壁内有磨砂的片状区域,为什么?我是在星巴克店里买的杯子,质量应该没有问题,杯子底部写的材料是苯乙烯-丙烯腈,也就是AS树脂, THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER怎么样 解释词语意思 Both of the businessmen felt sorry as their talk__without an agreement.这边为什么填 broken off 而不是 were broken off .Singing and short plays这个是主语,broken off是谓语,那不是要被动吗?刚才补充部分写错了,后面是as select an install path without 在安装软件时出现的,只能安装到C盘,装到别的盘不行,出现如下对话框,请问有谁知道啊,必定感激涕零! 有没有give time for doing sth 这个短语 英语翻译 Till death do us apart,never give up.谁给我能翻译下