
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 13:56:35
when i grew up?应该是grow up固词吧 请把下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句,The teacher is waiting for us.We will go to Beijing by train还有:She can do her homework by lunch time,We should obey the rules of the school.You always play baketball after class.I must go home “tasty""delicious"和“yummy"有什么区别? There is a great deal of air in the water,___ ___the fish can not live.定语从句 这个字怎么读“兖”? 兖字念什么? 请问(兖)这个字念什么? here are the money.改错 英语补全对话 here is the money .下一句应该是什么?英语补全对话 Here is the money .下一句应该是什么? I am a teacher.这句话a teacher是表语还是teacher是表语 人家说become 是系动词 那He became a teacher 那a teacher是宾语还是表语吖 delicious与yummy的区别 美味 美味 美味 歌,yummy!yummy!yummy!欧美的.就是开头是yummy,yummy,yummy,i got love in my tummy...什么什么的.那个.给个原版的音质好点的 here is the money,here,the,is造句11 英语 Things made abroad are not always better than __________ produced locally.A.that B.those C.the one D.it I read a book.I leant a lot about animals from it.(合并成一句)速度,谢谢. color does mater but love maters in life 频率合成器的分辨率是什么意思? 频率合成器的频率转换时间是什么意思? 频率合成器中每个频率点的步进频率为25KHz是什么意思? 90 percent of 30 "连词成句 ate much he sugar too and chocolate ." 填空 ( )(be) he a teacher when he was young?Last year,but now there( )(he) some.The football match ( )( be) over just now.Class 1( )( win) Class3.根据上下文意思完成句子How ( ) your weekend It ( ) a bad one.I play football and( )my 英语翻译别且再举一个详细的列子! go into those vaults people have always heard about and never privy to 请问中文翻译是什么,谢谢 40 percent unit of farmed land是什么意思啊? cool cold 区别菜太烫了 想变冷再吃 用什么 cool 是凉爽 cold是冷 这我知道 最好有例题 . lf your sell the cow,you sell her milk too的翻译 When I come home from school,my dog Bobby always f_____ me here and there. he has no tine ____home for lunch,so he eats ____at the store划线填空第二个有A。them B.him C.it D.us is the ID card c___yours?