
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 18:23:59
september 4today is the second day u leave me.I went to the math lessons yesterday.everthing was the same like when u stay with me.but u didn't stand with me.I feels so sadand anxious.I sensible knows I must be strong.but I miss u so damn much.u told 希望之星英语风采大赛2011高中组全国冠军获得者是谁 哪位知道希望之星英语风采大赛高中组选手英文水平是多少? 希望之星英语风采大赛高中的初赛评委问什么问题? 形容数目众多——( )填含有“海”字的成语 there is little milk in the fridge,______?________,I'll go and buy there,yes B is there ,no 在括号内添上数字:( )教( )流 ( )湖( )海 哪位高人能帮我回答下下面的英语问题?>用括号中的词不达意来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动 he went out of the restaurant .(without)he did not pay the bill she bought a pair of boots.(instead of) s 几个英语问题(找错误)1.You bring your lunch to school?2.What time the film starts?3.I use my computer every days.4.Our cat sleeps always in my room.5.They go swimming three time a week.6.Sarah doesn't never drink coffee.7.What your parent 英语找错误The sun goes down in the morning.How many meat do they eat?The tigers is on the left.I smell with my tongue.The pencil case is your.Who sweets are these. 我现在高中了,但初中没有认真学习,现在初中的英语也不懂,现在想抓紧时间补上去,学初中的英语是先背单词,我不懂先从哪个下手啊 四川有没有像海一样的湖,这里的海不是指有波浪的那种,就需要颜色不错环境很好的.另外,还要能够插水,就是涉水 站在什么的门口 海洋、湖泊、内流湖在概念上的差别 追求我喜欢的 英语怎么说 电脑课作业信息的含义是什么信息的五个基本特征是什么用实例说说什么是载体的依附性信息的含义是什么 信息的五个基本特征是什么 用实例说说什么是载体的依附性 什么是载体依附性 关于all the time用法I want to thank Jack because he _______ me all the time A.encouraging.B.will encourage.C.has been encouragingD.encouraged is it和it is如何区别?什么情况下用is it,什么情况下用it is?请举几个例子.is it it is 搞迷糊了. is it is't 的区别这3个单词分别是什么意思啊,有什么区别? of all time 造句 It's和This is的区别?Whose's this pen?It's my son's.This is his pen.这是课本中的原话,可到了做练习的时候题目答案是这样的:Whose's this dress.It's my son's.It's his dress.请问This is和It's有什么区别?这样用对么? 用英文翻译一篇文章,认真一些,好的,再加50分胡锦涛爷爷,您好! “少年智则国智,少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立,少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步,,少年雄于地球则国雄于地 副词修饰形容词时是不是要放在形容词前面? 什么称湖什么称海 这是什么海或湖? 阅读下面的句子,每句话中有一个错误,请把它划出来并在横线上改错The lady is wearing dress.It's white and pink.()Both of they are from Canda.()Lily does very well in paint.()There aren't any juice in the bottle.()Janet doesn't 时效性是什么意思 消息与通讯的时效性消息一般在几天之内有效?通讯一般限制在多长时间之内 英语翻译IN addition to normal classes,we have a weekly meeting to improve communication skills,social awareness,and speech-making.At first I thought that the meeting would just fill an hour and give the school something to call unique.The first m 英语练习:找出有错误的一项,打上“×”,并在横线上订正:( )______1.(A.Who)skirt( )______2.Shall( hospital( )______3.What(A.color)( scarf?It's(C.anorange).( )______4.(A 英语单句找错并改错.找出错误的单词改写在横线上.1.“Are you Lingling?”“yes,I’m” ()—— ̄1        ̄2  ̄32.How many chair are there ()____1 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ 2 3 ̄ ̄ 3.What's day is it tomo