
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:51:04
-the search engine just gave me some brief introductions英语选择____ the search engine just gave me some brief introductions rather than the whole content of the book to read.A、Luckily B、Mostly C、Funnily D、Disappointingly这句话的英 1.he __ __ __ __ (不仅帮我)with my English __ __ (而且) gave me some advice.2.I don't eat meat ,__ __ __(Bob也不吃肉)3."__ __ (多久一次) do you go to the movies with your child?"“__ __ __(每两周)”4.__ __ __ __ ___ __(就是 it was those warm-hearted doctors and nurses whomade sure that my mother was able to be as healthy as before. what if i do for you是什么意思rt 假如我是一片云,作文 假如我是一片云作文600字 假如我是一片云作文提纲 高三一模语法单选求帮助In societies where social roles are determined,boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers,and girls ____ of their mothers.A.that B.those C.one D.the ones为什么? 高三一模语法单选,27.Scientists found that grasshoppers living beside noisy roads produced songs different from ______ living in quieter areas.A.that B.one C.ones D.those如何排除C?29.News of the World was gone,shut down after _____ in the cycling is more t( ) than basketball Ask he some questions .but he made no ___.后面应该填idea还是answer?为什么? 写我是一片云作文好写一些还是写雨的作文 make no answer是没做回答还是作出回答但没有答案 英语很差,语法是一点不会啊.我慌了怎么办呢 懂技术的帮忙翻译“cut through for lights”, spark sparkle区别 Her eyes sparkled with happiness,这个sparkle为啥要用过去式滴啊? 新概念英语第二册lesson76全文 cut through/cut across 有什么区别?不都是抄近路?穿过? no matter how old we get,we always need a place to call home 我想知道关于下面这个的出处:no matter how old we get,we always need a place to call home no matter how old we get Sometimes even fairy tales can come true old habits die hard 请问下面c语言式子远算顺序 lint x=13,float y=1.5,double j 2+‘b请问下面c语言式子远算顺序lint x=13,float y=1.5,double j2+‘b’-x/3*1.5+j请问为什么先计算2+‘b’不是应该先乘除吗 登楼的最后一句寄托了作者怎样的感情 杜甫的 Do you understand?这句话读的时候最后一个单词的d发音吗? do出现在单词结尾怎么读出现在单词结尾,是读DU 还是读DA 12.Professor Clark was a bit strict with us,____( 但我们确实从他那里学到了很多 ).but we really have learned much from him可以吗?but we exactlly do have learnt much from him 骂人长得丑很彻底但不带一个粗鲁的语言最近室友总开我玩笑,但他长的很有型,想找些好句子反击他,请给些建议, 各国送礼的习俗.用英语各国送礼的习俗,给几个主要国家就行,要有代表性.用初二级的英语 最好带译文英语用简单点的 太难我都看不懂我是初二的``` 别人说我画画画的丑,我怎么回?教我几句骂人不带脏字的话好不👄? Mr.Black is regarded as an ________(experience) professor.我是一个学生,分析一下错误的答案为什么会错!我现在无法立即选择答案,我很有很多问题输入,一会全输完了我会一次查看. 江浙一带应用化学就业情况 Nobody saw the man enter the bank.(改写同义句)如题.___ ___saw the man___ ___the bank. 怎么做个文明人(不说脏话,甚至骂人不带脏话)?