
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:25:27
be different from 的反义词 the same as 的否定应该怎么写 they don't know that music can make me relaxed_____a day of hard work at schoolA.after B.when C.before D.with He was so e____ that he could do such hard work. 上楼梯是 go upstairs 下楼梯直接是downstairs?还是go downstairs? downstairs是啥意思?有以上单词的句子吗!(长的句子!英文!) "downstairs"中文意思是? 某企业的广告语是"没有最好,只有更好","最"与"更"一字之差,表现了什么精神? downstairs She said,my eyes will talk 有什么特殊意义吗? 问一个歌曲,只记得中间有段是she.i just close my eyes,and以前听过的歌,女生唱的,只记得中间有段是she.i just close my eyes,and. she is in a hopeless situation,which we will keep a ver close eye on.这是什么从句?抱歉 ☆七色水果球★.您对这个句子的理解使我实在不敢相信您. 请问冰柜那个品牌的好?星星、新飞、海尔,澳柯玛?等等 I want to buy a suit for my daughter是什么意思 Small talk is important to build a good relationship. Small talk is a casual form of conversationthat "breaks the ice"or fills an awdward silence between people.翻译 be quiet反义词组啥 be quiet的反义词 Go down the street. go down the 61 Heel Height:1 3684 in的翻译是: 找一个有深度和哲理的广告词有的广告是文化的精品,找一个有深度或有哲理的广告词,像雷诺汽车,柒牌男装这样的,但不可以是它们的广告词.广告要反应出一定的道理,公益广告也行.说明广告 谁有非常有哲理的广告词?要出处,不能太俗气.越多越好.不多都没有关系,只要有 英语翻译it's also good to show a sense of humor. what are appropriate topics for 'small talk',and what are inappropriate topics?什么是英语闲聊中适合的话题,什么是不适宜的话题? you talk as though it_ a small thing to leave the country for goodA,IS B,WAS C ,WILL BE ,D WERE ,选哪个为什么,为什么不选WAS where did you buy that这个did为什么不是are? that where buy did you? 连词成句 Where did you_that hat?iwanted to buy one.obtaintakegetgain选出正确答案给出理由 The goalkeeper is the heel of Achilles怎么翻译阿? 作文 十万火急!截止到今天晚上!我明天要交的!材料作文 材料是这样的;冯友兰先生在《人生的境界》一文中把人生境界分为四种:自然境界,功利境界,道德境界,天地境界.境界自有高下之分, Vanity is his Achilles' heel. 英语翻译顺便解释下……