
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:27:11
孩子什么年龄学英语好? -Mum,I think I'm __________ to get back to school.-Not really,my dear.You'd better stay at home for another day or two.A.enough well B.good enough C.well enough我在纠结到底是B还是C 累 怎么读 英文 累了英语怎么读 很累很累英文怎么说 我很累 但很快乐 英语咋念 感到很累!英语怎么读? “直板”、“横板”、“厚度”、“重量”、“攻击型”、”弧旋型“ 的英文缩写分别是什么 ,知道的请在下边注明, The girl was last seen ____by the play B.Playing C.Played be playing 要讲出原因1.They look different.(用same改为选择疑问句)______ they look different _____ ______ ______2.a memberof翻译中文3.改错(1)My brother is very taller in his class.__________A B C D(2) His brother has many books than him. “因为每个人都机械的生活着,就像机器人” 用英语怎么说? 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘用英语怎么说 给个理由-Is there____ in today's newspaper?-Nothing.A.important something B.anything importantC.something important D.important anything必须给个理由 为什么选那个 初中的英标咋读啊! 请帮我说一下理由what do you want to give john for his birthday I’m going to give him a (surprising) party我认为是括号中的那种答案,可是答案上是这么说的填surprise,“惊喜晚会”的表达形式,应用surprise的 请选择并说明为什么,The number of the trees in our school is getting _______ .A.more and more B.larger and largerC.less and less D.higher and higher请选择并说明为什么, What are the trees used___?They can be used ___ make paper and pencils.A for,to B to,as C on ,to 英语act读什么 act(表现)用英语怎么说?如果知道,请用汉字把这个单词的读音写出来,谢谢了! 谁可以帮我英语?动词变名词 如act---(actor) 并赞同 请用1 2 3 .789回答1 teac---( )2 clean---( )3 report---( )4 wait----( )5 dance---( )6 write---( )7 drive----( )8 play----( )9 climb----( ) Act in English的意思是 每个人都想健康和强壮 用英语翻译 下面的英语题怎样选择?请说出理由I want a sweater _________ this red one A,looks like B.look like D.likes 《小王子》主要内容,100字左右~磕头~ 我是很渴望幸福的人?用英语怎么翻译这句话? 求原因 英语翻译 I am afraid to hurt theri ______(feel) “靠”字的英文怎么写,怎么读,回答马上采纳 请说明理由Ce matin,maman est sortie avec un parapluie_______ de la pluie.A à l'occasion B en dépit C sous prétexte D en prévision 昂贵的英文怎么读啊呀 英语,快的给采纳.,