
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:40:01
the room was cleaned every day.为什么用was Drink a lot of ---------( water ) and eat more -------( fruit )in Summer.用所给词的正确形式填空 The room was lit with a red light 中的 lit with 为什么They usually have meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and a drink. ·· .为什么They usually have meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and a drink.But most students like pizza, hot dogs and hamburgers better.这里最后用better而不是bes 求助:初中英语基本没学,高中想补回来还有希望吗? 改错,There are some sheese in the shopping basket这3句都改,要完整的,正确句子.How muche hammers are there behind that box?HOU many bread is there the table? 本人初中英语基本没学.暑假决定补一补以迎接高中请问我该怎么办. there are many different shops in the shopping mall.划线部分提问划线部分:many different shops注意填空的空格是:什么什么in the shopping mall? You____take you raincoat.I'm sure it won't rain A、don't have to B、can't C、shouldn't D、mustn't keep out rain 这样对吗?为什么? West Harting是什么意思英文好的帮忙翻译下 世界杯足球赛的有关英语知识急于需要,越多越好! st vincent and the grenadines是什么意思 宇宙有外星人吗?我感觉有,亲们,你们觉得呢 we must have passed several years of our lives before learning the words vivacious...vivacious为什么在word后面 1.The----------month of a year is february(two) 2.we must clean our hands before -------meals(have)用所给单词正确形式填空 请问谁能解释一下大智若愚是什么意思?谢谢了 “大智若愚”是什么意思 why does your sister look unhappy?because her pet dog died yesterday.let's( )put her upcheer her uplet her downgiver her up where your sister in hospital yesterday怎么改错 there are courses which must have been taken before levl 2这句话怎么翻译 尤其是have been taken 359.1 “大智若愚”的反义成语是什么?谢谢! 大智如愚的成语对吗 大家推荐一下欢迎中国人的,说比较纯正英语的国家!想找个说英语 又比较欢迎中国人的过家呆上几年!我就不信学不会英语了! 单元音[ae] 英语里面 正确读音是什么! ( ),知识是实现理想的翅膀.是10个字哦! (),知识是实现理想的翅膀 上一句是什么急 无志之人常立志,--;--,知识是实现理想的翅膀;天行健,君子以-- ()是实现理想的接替,()是实现理想的翅膀各位大虾,帮帮忙 请你结合“认识新自我”这一单元所学的知识设计一个“放飞理想的翅膀”的班级实践活动(1)活动主题:(2)活动形式:(3)活动目的:(4)活动步骤. 四字成语,成语接龙.大智若愚>>如虎添翼大智若愚>>如虎添翼>>?>>?用最后的字接下去 要八句 得心应手和大智若愚两个成语翻译成英语是什么? 最好说一下怎么读!