
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:57:18
1、I like the colour very much(对very much提问)2、He runs so fast(改为感叹句) 在新公园右转英语怎么说 厕所出门右转怎么说怎么样表达才地道.是餐饮用语 write a passage about someone or something that changed you life.谁能以这个为题帮我写篇范文参考参考啊? 歇后语:坐上飞机吹喇叭(后接什么) Tom is running fast.改为感叹句 Bob is running very fast改为感叹句 The ambulance is running very fast to the hospital.(改为感叹句)___________ __________ the ambulance is running to the hospital! 1.It’s very lucky__of____ you to get the tickets ___to___ the World Cup.为什么 请问主车道和支道用英语分别怎么说? 英语消防车道怎么说 用英语怎么说 修改病句 1.我们的教室不但宽敞,而且明亮. 2.除夕的晚上,漆黑夜空中明月高悬.帮帮我吧!!我现在是一点财富都没有了。假如我有,一定会给你们的,你们就帮帮我吧!! it's very kind _you to get the tickets _ the world cupA for;of Bof;for Cof;to Dto;of He drives the car very fast.(变成感叹句) 6个反应孔子教育、教学精髓的成语 电视机里传出雄壮有力的战士们的歌声.(修改病句) 修改病句:电视里传出雄壮有力的战士们的歌声急 电视机里传出雄壮有力的战士们的歌声 这句怎样修改病句 修改病句:广播里传出雄壮有力的战士们的歌声. 收音机里传出雄壮有力的战士们的歌声.修改病句 The little boy ran very fast改为感叹句 歌颂黄河的古诗两首就可以了 一定要是歌颂黄河的 古今不现 不要太长啊 赞颂黄河的古诗有哪些?不要太长,但要全诗,我急用, It is the second + 最高级 +n.早两个句子,配中英文. 请用is ong of the+最高级+n.(pl) 的句式造句 华佗 李时珍 扁鹊 张仲景 谁最早期 扁鹊、张仲景、华佗、李时珍的简介请按出生先后介绍(出生的朝代)请问中国古代还有哪些名医呢?也给我说说 华佗李时珍扁鹊张仲景生活年代的先后顺序 单词拼写答案:1 Most people like to use this piece of music as b( ) during the break2 When I reached school yesterday,the class had already b( )3 There's d( ) in front.A big hole,you see?4 We are c( )empty bottles to raise money for poor kids. L-------people are always kind,单词拼写 Greative people usually like art and music,and e_____ ones are hardly ever tired.