
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:32:25
英语高考16.The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have totalbelief_____you are betteA.how B,that C.which D.whether 求一种毛毛虫的名字我是山东的,这种毛毛虫在我们这儿很常见,我知道的香椿、杨树、枣树上比较多,成虫没见过,幼虫身上的毛有毒,碰到会痛好几天,求这种虫子的学名,或者给个详细介绍的链 曹海平的英文名字怎么写 取一英文名字,女,模仿周杰伦的英文名Jay chou.不要参考自己的名字,就这样取. 吕庆贺,喜欢伤感音乐,帮忙翻译英文名字 例如:周杰伦英文名Jay Chou 有什么规律? 类似毛毛虫的 植物,尾部有绿色的根 好像毛毛虫的一种植物 也是绿色的我记得跟很长 细细的 顶部像毛毛虫 植物毛毛虫它有哪些特点 请问这是什么植物?红色,像毛毛虫的,如图. 慎重和谨慎 用英语怎么说? 那次,我真棒.作文 We can be both of God and the Devil. Since We are trying to raise the dead againse t 是什麽意思? If it ( )tomorrow,we will go to the zoo.(选择:A:doesn't rainB:won't rainC:don't) 哪个城市是因为东汉孝子董永卖身葬父,行孝感动天地而得名的? 董永卖身葬父与西汉以来什么伦理观念有关,该故事为什么能受到推崇 用him/her/yours等填空 1 We wrote to John but he didn’t answer ___ letter.​从划线部分选择正确的词语1. It’s their / theirs problem, not our / ours. 2. This is a nice camera. Is it your / yours? 3. That’s not my / mine umbrel I wrote ___ a letter,.but he didn get it A he B his c him选什么 给他写了几封信:I wrote him several letters还是I wrote to him several letters 董永是一个孝子,文中从哪三个方面写他的孝顺 Just _____you are older than me does not mean you can tell me what to do.空格中为什么能填because而不能填that Just _____you are older than me does not mean you can tell me what to do.空格中填什么,为什么? if you go there,please let me know,because i have something important _______ to my sonA、to be taken B、to take C、taking D、took 文章:我家有两只小鸟,一只叫“贝贝”,一只叫“花花”.请问:接下来如果还要写花花和贝贝还要加引号吗 Excuse me,can you tell me the _______ of this word?(mean) 以English in my eyes为题写一篇文章100到200字之间,不能太深奥,越简单越好. 你认为董永是怎样的人呢?从这则神话故事中尼得到什么启迪 董永遇仙的启示 董永遇仙记 启示 Can you tell me what kind of pet____(keep)? Can you tell me what kind of pet l should get?Can you tell me what kind of pet _______ _______ Can you sing and dance 一般疑问句不是应该用or吗? can you dance and sing 疑问句不是用or吗 求一首英文歌名 是个女的唱的 好像歌词有i would never would never ,i求一首英文歌名是个女的唱的好像歌词有i would never would never ,i dont wanna leave you