
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:43:16
用初二下册的英语水平翻译短语“默默地” 将小红帽翻译成英文,最好不要太多了! 已知不等式{3x+2≥0 x-8〈4-2x 解这个不等式组 把这个不等式组的解集在数轴上表示出来 求这个不等式组的整 求英语作文《怎样提高我的英语水平?》一级水平,六七十字,题目就叫《怎样提高我的英语水平》谢谢啦! 请帮我找两篇符合初二水平,并分别用过去时和将来时写的英语作文好吗? 英语作文!广州初二水平去看了《谍中谍4》看了长隆大马戏过年逛了花市,买了一株桃花,还收了很多红包我们没有去拜年姨妈姨夫从西安过来过年,他们睡我的房间,我睡沙发,睡沙发很舒服大约 明天考英语了没复习怎么破? 50X=200+X*X (10-6)×200+(10-x)×(200+50x)+(-2)×(200-50x)=1250 (10-6)200+(10-6-x)(200+50x)+(4-6)(600-200-200-50x)=1250 解不等式组 15x>23x-24 12+5x>3x-8 解不等式:2-5x≥8-3x (1-40%)X=1800-X-200X 解方程 Lang Lang ( ) as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador since 2004 when he went to Tanzania with a UN team to visit children threatened by AIDS.A has worked B has been workinC had been working D worked( )ever rising house prices in China,18 percent of 求满足不等式组{3x-5>1,①;5x-18≤12②的所有整数解之和. 1.I want to know _____ Near the bus station.A.where does Mike live B.where Mike lives C.Mike lives where2.He usually has lunch (at 12:30).对括号里的部分提问____ ____ _____he uaually have lunch?3.我们匆匆吃了饭,然后跑着去赶火车 求满足不等式组{3x-5>1{5x-18 同义句转换:Why didn't your mother come to Bob's birthday party last night?Why didn't your mother ( )( ) at Bob's birthday party last night?Dad was watching TV.Mom asked him to water the flowers in the garden.Mom asked Dad to water the flowers 1、I like the cartoon characters Tom and Jerry best.2、He camp up with a good idea.3、My life is filled with happiness.用简单的英语解释上面三句话(注:不是翻译成中文) 200x+50x等于50x平方 x等于 50x平方+105x-23=0怎么化简计算 解不等式3x-2<5x+4 解不等式3x-2<5x+2快点!我要做作业! 英语高手请进!初二(上)英语被动语态!急!明天要交!二.单项选择题( )11.--Did you go to Jack’s birthday party? ---No,I____. A. am not invited B.wasn’t invited C.haven’t invited D.didn’t invite ( )12. Chin 只是中国发明的 这个问题正在讨论 初二的被动语态,请把下列句子转换成被动语态(第2、3题写出两种改法)1:We must keep the room clean.2:Lucy sent me a present last term.3:He gove me a new pen.4:Tom saw her swim in the lake yesterday.5:He made me do that for 初二被动语态的几道题目we must give the students some books(2中表达方式被动)the organizers hope that the show will be________ (success) held. x=1\4y 1\50x+1\300y=1、300x=1\4y 1\50x+1\300y=1/300 化解50x∶300y=1∶4 数学题七年级下册二元一次方程组比例题 x+y=9 50x:300y=1:3 3x²-2x+1<0,解不等式,求x取值范围 若关于x的不等式3x²-x+c<0的解集为∅求c的取值范围