
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 03:12:34
过程,答案,速度,急 they enjoyed the evening ___they spent in the countryside什么关联词 They --- --- the countryside It will be_____ (snow)and cold today.There will be ___(snow) in the afternoon. 英语翻译是有(误入藕花深处)的那个. 用所给词的适当填空.Tis T-shirt _____ (look)very nice. 英语翻译whom did you telephone?应该翻译成 谁给你打的电话,还是 你给谁打的电话?这两句话分别怎么翻译, 【实际】拳击是世界上最厉害的打架项目吗?迈克泰森是世界上打架最厉害的人?为什么大家好像都说泰森打架最厉害?拳击没有散打厉害?那李小龙是精百家之长,为什么还有很多人说泰森完爆 1他们都彬彬有礼地对珍妮报以微笑.They all()politely()Jenny.2根据句意用there be/have的适当形式填空.(1)I()a postcard,but you don't.(2)()any water in the bottle?(3)I think ()some letters in the drawer.3汉译英(1)请 she enjoyed visited her uncle Do you often call your teacher同义句转换 温文尔雅的近义词是什么 近义词.迷途知返-( ),深思熟虑-( ),温文尔雅-( ) 宽大 惬意 的近义词 暴跳如雷 温文尔雅的反义词 英语改错求解:I feel much warm. I hate you so much 什么意思 李清照《如梦令·常记溪亭日暮》韵脚是什么? do you think college student often feel tired and unable to get a good night's sleep 1、George is pretty funny.He often acts in the plays as a c_____.(填单词)2、The air in mountain areas is _____ that in big cities.(fresh 和 dirty好像都行啊)A as fresh as B fresher than C as dirty as D dirtier than3、She put on her bea I hate English very much 下面怎么对 “I'd like some saiad” 是主系表结构吗 阿甘正传讲了一个什么道理? 我国社会主义现代化建设的方针是 《阿甘正传》告诉我们什么道理(150字左右) 阿甘正传到底在阐述一个什么道理 阿甘正传的主题思想,也就是想要说明的道理 I too fuck wanna be a billionaire 有没有写错? 禹州吧_贴吧 禹州都有什么吧 There be句型30个句子 禹州市苌庄乡桑庄村的介绍景点 文化 发展 海上钢琴师是什么哲理