
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:49:32
中国十大民族英雄有哪些? 西班牙语的作用?听别人说,西班牙语用的很广泛!我想知道,西班牙语的作用!另外我想学,不要求精通.只要能交流,看书就成.大概需要多少时间?有空才学学! Mrs Smith is busy.She has _____ (do) so much housework every day. mrs smith eats () meat,so she is () fat nowA.too much,too much B.much too ,too much c.too much ,much too D.much too ,much too选择 翻译(中译英and英译中)1.Yes,I'm looking for a shirt for my son.2.What about the white one?3.It's ninety-five yuan.4.贵 英语翻译Failure by either Party to insist upon strict performance of any provision herein by the other Party shall not be deemed a waiver by such Party of its rights or remedies,or a waiver by it of any subsequent default by the other Party,and n 热爱祖国名人名言 春节食物常见的那种. Mrs Smith is afraid that she and her husband don't see _____ on New Year ResolutionsA.face to faceB.eye to eyeC.back to backD.heart to heart选哪个?为什么? 关于西班牙语中命令式的用法除了自复式动词是把人称放在词尾并与之连写,其他的动词使用命令式时将人称放在哪里呢?比如说 Me ayude (a mi)./ Ayúdeme./ Ayude me.哪种是正确的? 西班牙语中le的用法Si no,no le van a prestar más libros.一句中le指代什么啊 谁能说一下西班牙语Estar的用法吗?内个estar的用法我不是很清楚呢,尤其容易与ser搞混, His article is better than(   ) in the class.A.anyone’s else B.anyone else’s为什么?请问A与B区别是什么? 西班牙语前置词A用法Quiero ser tu nuviotu nuvio是直接宾语吗 我看现西讲的语法 直接宾语指人称的时候前面加前置词a 为什么不是这么说 Quiero ser a tu nuvio Mary sings better than ( )in the class.A.anyone else B.anyone else do我觉得是B,可是答案是A, 新华书店一天内销售两种书籍,甲种书籍共卖的1560元,为了发展农业科技,乙种书籍的成本分别计算甲种书盈利25%,乙种书籍亏本10百分号,试问该书店这一天盈利(或亏本)多少元?方程 热爱祖国的名人名言 热爱祖国的名言警句 改错 There are many people come to this city every year.选出错误的地方并改正 Suzhou is _____ beautiful place that _____ many people come to visit it every year.A.such; so B.so; so C.such a; so D.such a; such我知道选C, Many ____ (America) come to our school every year. Tom is much stronger than Peter.同义句 Tom is ___ ____ stronger than Peter. 儿童诗续写《汽水》《汽水》跟你握握手你就冒气请你脱脱帽你就生气干干脆脆一口把你喝下去看你还神不神气是续写...! 关于西班牙语句子中a的用法¿a muchos occidentales les gusta la comida china?sí,a bastantes.这两句中,a的用法怎么解释呢. 西班牙语中QUE是什么用处和用法在西语中的que是什么用法? 关于西班牙语里的被动用法西班牙语里被动怎么用 请举例说明谢谢. 一道英语选择题,Tom's Chinese is better than ( ) in his class.A any boy .B.any of the other .C.that of any boy.D.any other boy's.应该选哪个?为什么 其他的不选又是怎么错了?希望尽早得到您的回答.坐等回答 People all over the world celebrate the new year.However,not all countries celebrate in the same way,and in some countries,the new year doesn’t begin on the 46 date very year.In many countries,the new year begins on 1st January,but people start cel Terry's Chinese is better than_______in the class.A.any boys B.any of the others C.any other boy's D.that of any boy答案是C,为什么不能选B do people all over the world celebrate thanksgiving day? 改被动,People all over the world celebrate ChPeople all over the world celebrate Christmas. 西班牙语sí的用法他很自私.Sólo piensa en sí mismo.这句话中sí的用法.谢谢