
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 02:24:25
英语的十六个时态是哪些?有例子的最好,要小学生看得懂的! 1.是汤姆打破窗户的.2.我昨天在街上碰到了我最好的朋友 英语翻译 "以原音字母加y结尾的单词在变复数时直接在词尾加s" 是不是单词的音标中有一个元音单词后面又有一个y字母可以这么理解不?还是要按顺序的啊 选择用a 或按 来填空 this is ( )good bookit is ( )eraser( )red book is good( )"a"is in the word"name"i have( )map把下列单词组成句子an is this orangethis english whatis inplease it spell This book is__(good)of the four books. 学习英语中的句子变换用什么软件?比如THIS IS A GOOD BOOK.改成一般疑问句 This is a book.(变成否定句) He is a good boy.(变成一般疑问句) She is in the room.(用where提问) 是不是所有单词的复数都加S?还有别的吗? 快考了 英语三级考难不难,我读的是职高 英语过三级难不难 英语三级难不难的?我是一个中职生,想过英语三级不知道试题是不是会很难的!如果难的话要怎么复习呢? 英语A级考什么,怎样才能过 英语的16种时态和结构我想知道英语的16种时态的结构就比如说:现在进行时是be动词+动词ing现在完成时是have/has+过去分词......百度百科的不要复制了 什么情况下单词加S 除了复数就比如 lots of people visit .famous universities campuses意思除了复数就是什么情况下单词加S还有ing我想问的是什么情况下加S 并不是怎么变形。 a range of,a variety of区别当a range of译为种种时候的区别 a variety of 和the variety of 的区别是什么,他们后面动词用单数还是复数?A variety of students is girls.A variety of students are girls.哪句话是对的? a variety of 和 varieties of的区别?在Longman中的答案:a variety of something:a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way,e.g.The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.variety of:a type of t a variety of和all kinds of的区别?最好详细点,能有例子哦. COMPANY 的复数是?公司 all variety of与a variety of有区别吗 company有复数吗 the variety of与the variation of的差别 "vehicle"这个词有没有复数形式? 请问a variety of 可以修饰不可数名词吗?我看到教科书上有这么一句话:There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world. pancake这个词有没有复数形式? a variety of books the childen of different agesA are interested in B is interested inC are interested for D is interested for答案是选B,可我不懂为啥不选c,空格在books和the 之间。 新概念英语2 Lesson28 练习 题目: 在需要的地方填上who,which,that或whose等关系代词1.The only games _____ I pay are football and tennis.2.He is the only student _____ understands English well.3.He is a writer _____ books are seldom Which piatform dose it go ___________________________ 新概念英语上95课 请教新概念英语中that of的用法The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes.这是新概念第二册,77课中的一个句子.请邦我分析一下这个句子的结构,这个句子这样改写行不The mummy i 新概念英语第一册99课和100课that的详细用法2 She thinks that she's got a cold.3 I know that I need an X-ray.4 We know that he can swim well.5 They believe that she is ill.6 I am sure that he will sell his house.7 I am sure that she is a 英语翻译第七课mutilated ladies,正文结束后有一句:*damaged bank notes.The queens head appears on english bank notes,and "lady" refers to this.那些用软件翻译的人,就不劳您大驾了