
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 04:52:01
每小题用两种方法判断下列点A、点B、点C是否共线?并写出理由.(1)A(0,5) ; B(-1,3) ; C (5,14)(2)A(-1,4) ; B(1,2) ; C (0,3)(3)A(1,5) ; B(0,3) ; C (2,11)(4)A(0,2) ; B(3,-7) ; C (5,-13) 若∠2=1/2(∠1-∠2) 判断∠1与∠2的关系,并说明理由 一篇英语完型填空------5个空,(1)Another person’s enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved.That person was my stepmother.(2)I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia.My father intro 一篇英语完型填空----3个空,Another person’s enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved.That person was my stepmother.I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia.My father introduced Me to her 英语高手帮忙看一篇完形填空我错的写一下这么填的原因, 一篇高一的英语完型填空----------5个空,完型填空An 80-year-old man was sitting in his house beside his 45-year-old son.Suddenly a crow landed in front of the window.The father(36) his son,“What is that?” The son replied,“It i 一篇完形填空----一共5个空,“Can we have a dog?” my sister and I begged as we crowded around Dad after he walked in from work.Dad did not even pause to consider our request.“No,” he replied.“Absolutely not.”Dad was not much of a d 一篇英语完形填空---6个空--------------------务必高手帮忙是3个空,写错了。呵呵What power(58)has!When that power is released to support the certainty of one’s purpose and is(59)strengthened by faith,it becomes an irr 英语翻译 取个英文名字,我叫郭梦娜,想取个和我名字有关的英文名字,主要想要寓意好,好听,独特, 帮我想个英文名哈~我叫冰冰 女孩哈 帮我想个好听的英文名被~不要说什么ice 这样的名字了 最好是谐音 好听些 要是太麻烦就叫Bing 可以吗 会不会有点男性化啊 我高中英语才130多分怎么办 高中英语只有50多分,怎样提高呀? 句型转换:If you stay angry for long ,you’ll be ill.Lisa is from Canada.She teaches us English.(改为同义句)Lisa ___ ___ teaches us English.(一条横线填一个单词)急用 3Q! could be,can be的区别稍微具体点给我解释下 最好带点例子 can be 与could beshe could be a teacher.为什么不是can be ? 七年级下册地理期中复习mp3 中文字有那些字像韩国字? 如何在一个月内提高高中英语成绩,由30到60? can这英文单词中文是什么 韩国的文字为什么只有在名字中会出现汉字的笔画? “良”在韩国的姓名文字是什么啊?“王良其”怎么写呢? can能加哪些词紧紧紧紧 中文名字安伯扬翻译成韩文字怎么写 If over since for to of another 这些哪个连接词 一日之计在于晨.Morning is ____ ____ ____ ____everything. 请大哥大姐帮我解释下!我和女友做爱!第一次带套了 没射里面 把套子取下后 只是擦了擦我哪里!听了 2小时 又做了一次 没带套子!我想 我的尿道里 可能还残留了点 时候女友很害怕会怀孕 你 什么情况.我从没听说过.求大哥大姐解释 一日之计在于晨 Morning ____ ____ ___ ___ everything. 七年级下册 语文复习要点 八年级语文下册期中复习要点 家教除了讲课,还要讲点什么