
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:46:31
送东阳马生序原文及翻译.《送东阳马生序》原文及其译文 分析 作文里写了一句英语,Immigrant as I am,I don’t want to see Chinese characters or hear Chinese everywhere.输进word里面,提示语法错误.不是有Teacher as he is 如果错了帮我改一下, A:When was the telephone invented,do you know?A:When was the telephone invented,do you know?B:Yes.___1___.A:____2_____.B:No,I think it was invented after the car.A:___3____.B:It’s used for talking with our friends and relatives.A:___4____.B:I think Do you know when the telephone I think the scientist it in 1876 A was invented ,was invented B iDo you know when the telephone I think the scientist it in 1876A was invented ,was invented B invented was inventedC invented was invented D was invented you know when the telephone was invented?这句话的讲解 -- do you know who invented the telephone -- no l only know it --- in 1876a\ inventedb\ was inventedc\ invented请您说明理由好吗? Do you know ____?A.who invented tea B.who was the telephone invented C.when was the car inventedD.what are they used for 我的心颠倒了my heart turn upside down,错了请帮我指出 如何翻译“wont tell anyone how u turn my world upside down...may be i need a parachute...” Very well thanks 这句话翻译中文是什么意思 I ‘m very well,thanks.(写出同义句) I'm very well,thanks 写出义句 在太阳下晒书去除水分是用什么方法初二上物理练习题 如果你的课本不小心掉水里,你可以放在太阳底下晒干,也可以放到冰箱冷冻室里干燥,前者是__的方法去除水分的,后者是用__的方 幼儿的图书要定期放在阳光下翻晒4至几小时? 把书放在太阳底下暴晒会去书虫吗?最近在书上发现书虫 捏死一只 后来又都有看到 怎么去这些书虫啊? 短文又是按什么顺序写紫云英的 红花草的生命力和高尚的品质分别是按什么顺序描写的 I am very well.什么意思 I am doing very well 是什么意思? a,butterfly,house,we,have,over,200kinds,of,with,butterflies(连词成句) I am very well!I won myself!如题 1 .She has three daughters.One is a teacher ,______ are doctors.A anotherB the otherC the othersD other3者诶.2.We are sitting in a shop by the river 对 "by the river"提问_____ _____ are you sitting in?是写which shops 3.This book is much more c what places of interest can we visit in your city?英译中 what a great time the children had in the park.(同义句改写) ()()he children had in the park 在英语里女的说很好谢谢你用VERY WELL THANKYOU 如果男的说很好谢谢你 就要用IM FINE THANKS 是这样吗 1popularity可数吗 2must /have to区别.3full of /with用法.4full的形容词,名词,副词,过去动词,过去分词 盛开着的紫藤萝花的特征是A一片辉煌的淡紫色,像一条瀑布,从空中垂下,不见其发端,也不见其终极.B紫色的大条幅上,泛着点点银光,就像迸溅的水花.C每一朵盛开的花就像是小小的张满了的帆, 在北极拉雪橇的狗(很像狼)叫什么? 北极拉雪橇的犬叫什么名字? 拉雪橇为什么要用狗 狗为什么会拉雪橇 现代汉语词典 什么是英雄