
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:24:16
4、下列有关文学常识的表述,有误的一项是 ( ) A、近体诗是对唐代形成的律诗和绝句的通称.与古体诗相对 the young man has to work in his free time to carry on with his study in the collsge咱 、 急用哈~. 谁能帮我写一首古体诗(古诗、楚辞)和一首近体诗(绝句、律诗),每个只用写一篇. 阅读短文回答问题 A young man①himself in Japan with only enough money to buy the ticket for his②ba阅读短文回答问题 A young man①himself in Japan with only enough money to buy the ticket for his②back home.As he knew that it would The young men are working in the____building.横线上填什么 翻译成中文:Making love out of Nothing at All 《世说新语·德行第一》 《世说新语·德行第一》 华歆、王朗俱乘船避难,有一人欲依附,歆辄难之.朗曰:「幸尚宽,何为不可?」后贼追至,王欲舍所携人.歆曰:「本所以疑,正为此耳.既已纳其 世说新语 德行的第一则到第五则的解释 《世说新语·德行》里第37篇解释晋简文为抚军时,所坐床上,尘不听拂,见鼠行迹,视以为佳.有参军见鼠白日行,以手板批杀之,抚军意色不说.门下起弹,教曰:「鼠被害,尚不能忘怀,今复以鼠损人, 表现人生价值观的诗句有哪些除了李清照的夏日绝句 An old man and a young man are walking in the park .是什么意思 The old man enjoys taking a walk in the park=? There are many Young Pioneers in the park.Some are walking and singing.(将两句合并为一句) the old man have fun walk in the park中用walk的什么形式 air supply唱的 make love out of nothing at all 这首歌的中文意思 英语翻译I'm lying alone with my head on the phone Thinking of you till it hurts I know you hurt too but what else can we do Tormented and torn apart I wish I could carry your smile and my heart For times when my life feels so low It would make me 谢霆锋唱making love out of nothing at all为什么哭 夏日绝句古诗要有作者的思想感情 古诗夏日绝句 求《苟巨伯探友》(选自《世说新语*德行》)全文白话翻译 解释整首古诗《夏日绝句》 【夏日绝句】是一首什么诗. 世说新语 德行陈元方子长文,有英才,与季方子孝先,各论其父功德,争之不能决.咨于太丘,太丘曰:「元方难为兄,季方难为弟.」) 求帮忙解决下这道证明题!急!如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC.DE是过点A的直线,BD⊥DE交于点D,CE⊥DE交于点E.(一)若BC在DE的同侧,如图(1),且AD=CE,求证:BA⊥AC.(二)若BC在DE的两侧,如图(2),其他条件不 英语翻译 When father was young,he ______ from morning till night.A.was made work B.was made working B. C.made to work D.was made to work 已知点C为线段AB上一点,△ACM、△CBN为等边三角形,连结BM交CN于E点,连结AN交CM于D点,且BM、AN交于O点,连结CO、DE, 求证:(1)AN=BM (2) OC平分AOB my father said he ------a quiet boy when he was young.A,used to be B,is used to being C.was used to being ,A和C我不懂句子是过去是吗? 求解决一道证明题目,!如图,四边形ABFE和四边形EFCD都是平行四边形,四边形ABCD是平行四边形吗?说明你的理由. 一道英语选择题:His father_____when he was young.A.has died B.died 帮忙解决下面一道生物体题.并说明原因下列各器官中,不属于人体排泄器官的是 ( )A.皮肤 B.肺 C.肾 D.肛门在农村燃料问题一直是农民和国家头疼的问题 英语翻译人要有准则 帮我翻译一下 顺带发音