
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 05:14:00
怎样做七年级上册历史的非选择题 我国古代的很多成语来源于春秋战国时期,下列成语与古代事件对应正确的一组是()A退避三舍,城濮之战 B纸上谈兵,桂陵之战 C卧薪尝胆,长平之战 D围魏救赵,吴越争霸春秋战国时期的思想派 把She is reading a book.改为否定句 将She is reading book in the classroom改成一般疑问句what,when,who,where,why,这个句子为什么用这个be动词? she is reading a book对reading a book提问 she is reading the book now?是一般疑问句吗? she is reading a book now.对reading a book 提问 这题怎么解啊 聪明的人啊? 汽车从甲地到乙地用了3.4小时,从乙地返回甲地用了3小时,返回时的速度比去时快百分之几?A.20% B.25% C.120% D.125% tom met his old friend in the street yesterday [用in the street改为强调句】急 On his way to home Tom met his English teacher纠正 We go to school (from Monday to Friday.) 改同义句 We go to school ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). 出自诗词的成语(20个) 1.碘的某种氧化物可以用来测定空气中CO的污染程度,已知该氧化物的一个分子可以将5个CO2分子同时生成1个I2分子.则该碘的氧化物的化学式是多少?2.有人声称他们发明了一种试剂.只要在水中 聪明的人进来看看这两道题哦!已知一元二次函数g(x)的图象的对称轴是直线x=3,并且图象经过点p(3,-2)和q(1,-4).求函数的解析式?已知函数f(x)=x^+bx+c的图象经过点p(1,0),并且对于任意实数x,有f(1+x)=f( We walk home___ school 填to还是from还是都可以?还有The teacher asked Susan ____ her hobbies 英语里的助动词,在什么情况下才能使用.句型中的短语怎样才能分辨出他是动词短语,介词短语,形容词短语等等 I often walk to school because my home is only five meters from school.(为什么用from)为什么不用to My friends and I often () home after school.a.walk to home b.walks home c.walking home d.walk home选什么,请说明理由 英语助动词之后不能用动词.能用介词短语吗就像题目中所说的 WHY DIDN'T YOU同义句你为什么不去做…… Why not go home now?同义句转换_ _ _home now?_ _home now._ _going home now? He didn't go anywhere.He stayed at home all day(改为同义句)He didn't go anywhere.He stayed at home()()day why not go home?同义句 一电阻丝,阻值为10欧,现将其对折后再拉长3倍,求此时的电阻丝为多少? 将20个阻值为10欧的电阻并联总阻值为多少欧 两个阻值为10欧的电阻串联后阻值为多少 两个阻值为10欧的电阻并联后阻值为多少 i go to school from monday to friday的同义句I go to school_____ _____a week I go to school from Monday to Friday同义句 I go to school from Monday to Friday.用Monday to Friday提问是什么 -did you do your homework yesterday?--( )A,yes,i didn't B,no,i don't C,no,i didn't