
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:34:25
ho una nuova casa.mi piace molto.ti amo i miei.是意大利语帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了,很重要 意大利语:这里是stare吗?eesere的过去时sono stato中,stato是stare吗? 工业制盐酸、工业制漂粉精的方程式 They finished the plan ______,and achieved great ______.[ ] A.successfully; successfully B.sucThey finished the plan ______,and achieved great ______.[ ]A.successfully; successfully B.success; successC.successfully; success D.success; successfully. We finished the work ____,and achieved a great ______.(succes) Il benvenuto dell'amico voi da unirsi!意大利语) I am in.这个怎么解释. 在漂粉精漂白时,加入适量的稀盐酸的化学方程式 hclo在空气中起漂白作用的化学方程式 帮忙写一篇关于 friend 的英语作文是一篇议论文小女子不懂英语``不好意思啊 连缀是什么意思? 连缀成句的缀是什么意思? ①Mike.②you.③Are④.am⑤.I.⑥Yes排序号! 连缀和引申是什么意思?快~~~~! 整理成句子 1.he's name mike his what's 2.what's make you i'm helen 3.you i yes am are eric连词成句 古汉语中的连缀是什么意思 比如“善属文”中的属 用5个以上的歌名连缀成一段话,要求思想健康,意思完整!``````` 如题 只要你要 ,只要我有 .倾我所有,予你所有. 倾我所有的中文歌词是什么? 只要你要 ,只要我有 .倾我所有,后面一句是什么 英语翻译Questa è la storia di un ragazzo che sa quanto valeLui vuole distinguersi dalla gente normaleCrescendo ha visto il meglio e il peggioVuole disegnare il futuro,sfidare il destino e fargli uno sfregioVede chi dentro è un re restare zitto In the past ten years,they _three great scientific experimeent.A finished B have finishedC had finished D have been finished Grazie per la vostra presenza,una volta.帮忙翻译下这意大利语 意大利语高手入:)si vive una volta sola ricordiamocelosi vive una volta sola ricordiamocelo可以翻译为中文吗,谢谢了,意大利语高手我可以告诉你,我为何要baidu翻译这个意大利句子吗?也是我的真心告白 he is attracted to her 意思是他吸引了她 还是她吸引了他 同意句 be attracted by= 鱼能后退着游么?刚才看了一个鸟能不能往后飞,不禁想到鱼能不能往后游.如果不能,为什么呢/ 他被那个女生迷住了 用 be attracted by 鱼为什么只会向前游 1.The students are having a maths class.But Bob is looking out of the window and watching the clouds move across the blue sky.2.“Boy,what a day to play football!”he thinks.Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream.He closes his not 平形四边形是不是一组对边平行且相等?