
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:47:02
歌星的英文怎么写? 英文单词歌手怎么写? The heart is where you are! 小学一年级英语怎样辅导? 赔款会转嫁到我们公司头上,英语怎么说“供货每延迟一天,客户就会承担3000块的罚款,而这笔罚款最终会转嫁到我们头上”英语怎么说? i have realized my mistake.i _____ what i have done.A ashamed of B am ashamed of C am ashamed by D am ashame of I was a fool to have refused the job为什么要加个have 呢如题,中文意思是,我很傻,拒绝了那份工作.(李阳老师的句子) 我自己觉得,是不是i was a fool to refuse the job,里面的have 可以不用吧. what's wrong (a It's a mistake.B I have a headache)单选 you have done mistake,you have to solve the mistake你已经做错了,你必须解决那个错误. 今年冬天会不会下大雪?拜托各位了 3Q 下大雪了 I can't make myself (understand).填I can't make myself (understand).填什么形式,为什么. 只有二十分钟的时间,我应该怎么教一年级的小孩子,没有书,应该怎么讲,讲什么? We are going to have a w_ party for our new teacher.请填入一个w开头的单词. have received an invitation to a party_in our club next sunday------Why are you looking so happy?------i have received an invitation to a party_in our club next Sunday.A.to be held B.held C.being held D.holding这句话明白是非谓语动词题,但 我喜欢的一则格言怎么写? 如何教小学一年级的英语 “我眼中的北京奥运会”英文演讲稿,简单点的那种复制的就可以了~ Do you mind ___ (I smoke)here?只有两个单词 When you read his books, you have to read between the lines; there’s so much _____ in his writing.选项: a、irony b、vocabulary c、grammar d、idiom ( )those references books have you read?A.what are B.which are c.what of D.which of 应该选哪一个, Have you read any books ____ by LuXunA writing B wrote C written D being written what another books have you read有错吗指出哪里错了 -Do you have enough books to read?-No,I think we need ___books.A.another two B.other two C.two another D.two the other I don't play computer games any more.同义句转换 xiao mei computer games a don't play Bdoesn't play 我喜欢的一则读书格言600字,作文 To do it is diffcult for me is diffcult 是谓语吗 me是宾语吗 It is diffcult for him to do it 真正的主语是TO DO IT那谓语是什么吖 It is diffcult for him to do it 谓语是is diffcult吗 那for只是介词吗 It is diffcult for us to do it It是形式主语 is diffcult是谓语 for 是介词 to do it是真正主语吗 It is diffcult for him to do it 谓语是is diffcult 那for只是起连接作用把 是不是吖