
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:39:44
本人高三党,现在好好学了,可是其它科都弄得懂,就化学怎么学都不行, so he did与 so did he区别 But so he It was certainly rather cool of him to say to the Emperor's daughter,"Will you have me?" But so he did; for his name was renowned far and wide; and therewere a hundred princesses who would have answered,"Yes!" and "Thank you kindly." We sha So he did.和So did he.的区别是什么问题补充: so would he和so did he有什么区别 so he did 与 so did he 的区别最好举个例子 天妒英才一词最早出于那里 costa del mar 眼镜谁有这牌子太阳眼镜呀,便宜的. Dia del Sol 怎么翻译 天高云淡,是什么意思 青年早早就死了,表示很惋惜,除了天妒英才,还有什么成语来形容 天高云淡的意思是jjjjjjjjjjjjj 多少岁去世才可以称得上天妒英才 形容被别人嫉妒自己的才华的成语,天妒英才我觉得有点悲壮,有没有其他的 读了匡衡和车胤的故事,你想对他们说些什么吗?急,拜托了 analysis 的过去式怎么写 校长的过去式用英文怎么写 羽蛇神金字塔 PIRáMIDE DE QUETZALCóATL怎么样 太阳金字塔在哪个国家 宋濂﹑匡衡的事迹一定给了你不少启示,请写出两点.___________________________________________________________________ We have more knowledge,but less sense; more medicine,but less wellness 这三个英语是什麽意思? 我无意冒犯什么意思? 用英语说,没有冒犯的意思最好多列举几种说法,正式的说法和比较随意的说法 冒犯;冲撞;侵犯的意思是哪个成语? 能冒犯的问一句社会摇是什么意思吗? song dai ming renee think for a minuteTom thinks for a minute 这句话是否正确? I just want to, a touch of his good life翻成中文…… not too hot,not too cool,just right. Tori怎么读?谁来帮我标个音标,再加个汉语发音的. 比如浮萍或其它藻类植物,死海呢?也有植物么?要权威科学的回答哦