
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:37:41
Not all heavy children have weight problems like adults.However,as children get older,their chance for staying fat 41 .The chance is even 42 if one or both parent are also overweight.It's important to work on weight problems early. Why is the One of the ten famous brands 2010 wood floor:delOne of the ten famous brands 2010 wood floor:del recount……如题,是伤害统计问题,我用的是多玩魔盒,伤害统计的样子都知道,我想问下面这个样子的怎么弄?右边的是大脚的, tell 和 recount 的用法区别新概念第四册第一课练习题The only way that they can preserve theiry history is to _____ stories.A.tellB.recount为什么不能选recount?课文中也是使用这个词的啊 魔兽世界 Recount是什么对帐号有威胁吗? all this作主语时,谓语动词用单数还是复数形式 裸蕨植物高等还是低等 蕨的植物体什么的分化,我急需答案........... I like cartoons best改为同义句 My ____ movies ____ cartoons. 意大利语R如果发不出颤音该怎么发?就是大概的读音 请问意大利语言中的R颤音是怎么出来的 ·害怕真的动心后会受伤,所以不想爱谁了.英语怎么表达? 谁有苍的A+V,U箱wzh2120.163不多打了,现在不能留U件,后面的麻烦补充了, 英语填空题 I've competed in spelling bees,a competition ___ you have to spell words,英语填空题 这里为什么填where,这是个什么从句?I've competed in spelling bees,a competition ___ you have to spell words,since first grade. 我不想爱他 但是眼睛在说谎 请帮我把这句话翻译成英语 在读意大利语的R时颤音前总带de音请问该怎么去掉 不想轻易去爱,是怕受到伤害.用英语怎么翻译? 相爱的人不一定能在一起,不想爱的人到最后还是要分离!英文翻译 英语题目(yi 道初二的)1)Maggie wants to work in a power plant which is still_____(built) Have you finish your homework _________?----No,not _______.A.already,already B.yet,yet C.already,yet D.yet,already 王绾主张郡县制的理由是什么 Is it the best way to understand foreign food culture to eat its food? Is it the best way to understand a foreign culture to its food?why/why not?编写一段对话! The boy is _____(尽力)his best to understand his teacher's meaning. 英语翻译"the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market'中文什么意思啊,具体阐述一下,类似中国的哪句哲理啊讲具体一点,最好是举个例子,没有类似中国话 He is ()(尽力) his best to understand his teacher's meaning. The twin needs some bananas.改为否定句The twin _ need _ bananas 第二个字带"广"的成语 第二个字是广的成语 想找一个能谈得来的盆友,真的,一个能读懂我的朋友我今年15岁纯正的一名中学生,这两天很郁闷,心里话憋的没处说.............. May I speak to Edward?---___________A.No,I'm not.B.Yes,I am C.Who are you D.Sorry,he's not in 请从语法角度加以说明~(1)39.the medicine ________cool,clean and dry.A.must keep B.must be kept C.must be carried D.must be in49.________ his stamps he has collected are from Canada .A.two hundreds B.hundred of C.two hundred of D.two hund