
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:52:29
What is this in English?变为同意句.应该几年学题是in English在中间 What this in English?怎么同意句转换? 《雷雨》作品中周朴园到底爱不爱鲁侍萍?曹禺的作品 英语翻译You came to me after so long time since have been watiting gor you so long I want you always stay with me My bear friendGomuGomu这是句子吗?还是名字? 英语翻译1.The term “multimedia” describes a number of diverse technologies that allow visual and audio media to be combined in new ways for the purpose of communicating.2.Another important practice of multimedia in business is videoconferenci 英语翻译那个妈妈的孩子获得了金牌,使她非常骄傲The mother【】was proud那个男人穿着黑色的皮衣是个农夫The man【】was a farmer那个装着很多珠宝的木箱was made a long timeThe wooden box【】was made a long 能否用欧姆表测一表头内阻?又能否测一电源内阻? 能否用万用表欧姆档测电源内阻 话剧《雷雨》中周朴园是否真爱的爱鲁侍萍? 以倒数第一的感悟为话题的作文 大熊猫如何抵抗老虎等凶猛的肉食动物? 鸽钟的计时原理是怎么样的? l like you ,but you don not know是什么意思有人和我说话!我看不懂 能否用欧姆表测一表头内阻?有能否测一电源内阻?为什么? 古代人是怎么样用水钟计时的 赛车计时器 用欧姆表能否测量电源的内阻或灵敏电流计的内阻 Do you know ----------he will be back.that或if, 翻译We know that light travel much faster than sound. we know _______doesn,t travel so fast as light.A,sound B,sounds C,a sound D,the sound (理由)2,all the ______are made of _______,not plastics.A,glasses ,glass B,glass,glasses C,glasses,glasses D,glass,glass As we all know,light (travel)faster than sound 英语翻译We know that a bat can tell light from dackness,but we do not know whether it can actually see anying. 英语翻译What do you study the hardest? “细心是粗心的克星”是不是比喻句 认真读书的一个比喻句 WE HAVE GOTA A COMPUTER AT HOME 改为一般疑问句 用所给词的适当形式填空1.I _______(not have) a computer at home.2.She_______(not use) a computer to do his homework.3.Tom usually_______(do) homework in the evening.4.They_______(send) emails and sometimes play computer games.5.How many____ My first name is kate 的问句是什么?有4个空在前面,要填空---- ----- ------ your name,这个怎么写? You don't have a computer game.(肯定回答) 英语基础差怎麽补上去 You know, I have added you. You do not know, I like you You know, I talk to you. You do not know, I谁英语好帮我翻译一下 给个英语回答就行vacRecently,somehow I feel bored and need some amusement.So I need?螅铮恚濉.椋睿簦澹颍澹螅簦椋睿纭.鳎澹猓螅椋簦澹螅 .伲铮酢.瑁幔洹.猓澹簦簦澹颉.纾椋觯濉.恚