
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:23:11
on time的词性 spend time gardening 中gardening 是什么词性?如题,还有一个问题,有spend time sth这样的用法嘛? He is a merry man in red clothes. 如何翻译? Satar is a merry man,in a red clothes 用in原因是什么 谓语动词与非谓语动词有何区别.最好简洁一点马上可以懂得哪种 I ( ) but ( ) nothing.A.heard,heard B.listened to,heard C.listened,heard D.listened,listened to正确答案是C,我选B错在哪里了?为什么选C?请迅速回答我的问题, - Are you free - Sorry ,i am not ,What is ( - i want to fly kites with you .A it B up- Are you free - Sorry ,i am not ,What is ( - i want to fly kites with you .A it B up what is up 和 what is it 区别 I _____ but _____nothing.A.was listened;was hearing B.listened;heard C.have listened;heardD.listend;head of santa claus is a man on red clother.这句话对吗?如果不对请说明理由.let's make a snowman together.这句话对吗?若不对请说明理由 of a there picture is on Santa Claus it 连词成句 英语 同义句改写 Show me your new dress 请高手帮我看看这是什么牙,是不是狼牙 狼牙是什么样的 这狼牙是真的吗? They arrived at a farmhouse,in front of which sat a small boy. They arived at a farmhouse,in front of _ sat a boy. Bamboo and wood are both used ____________ (生产) paper. peopie has been made of silk and 错了 错了 是paper对不起各位拉 高中英语有没有比较快速的提高方法? 谁能告诉我宾语从句是什么,再句一两个例子可否 before宾语从句时态由before引导的宾语从句是什么时态?You must finish your homework _____ you have supper.A.for B.when C.before D.because在这道题中应该用when 还是 before?我选的是when那如果去除must。情态动词原 I ______but _____nothing A都填listened B.都填 listened to C.lishened,heard D.heard to,listened 高中英语怎么快速提高? 那个英语杂志比较好? 帮我修改一篇小学英语文章,看看有没有语法,句型,时态等方面错误.这是一封Sunny写给Ann的回信,讲的是他的生日聚会描述生日上的情景使用过去式(老师说的!)但最后一句话时态不确定.其余 找出句子中错误选项填入括号内,并在题后横线上改正 找出错误的句子填在括号里并改正在横线上()1,I read a interesting storybook yesterday .————————.—— --- ————A B C ()2.l will go to Guanzhou to see my grandma with my family yesterday.------------- ----- They arrived at a farmhouse,in front of which a small boy sat _____ether he or you wrong .中线上应填A、is B 、are They c___ from England.He is wrong,but you are r_ ___.Li Yingai is my f____ TV star.We are in d_____ classes.Mike has a big head and a w__ mouth. He _____(mean) you are wrong后面是are,前面是三单,应该用mean的什么形式 两个动词可以同时使用吗 people used to decorate house with paper cutting有语法错误吗 中文是:人们过去经常用剪纸来装饰房子