
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:55:02
what kind of food do you think does a person need to eat every day in order to be healthy?请帮我分析一下句子结构,以及口语中使用此类句子的诀窍. What does it mean to be Chinese?Is there a Chinese personality?Of course not every Chinese personcan be the same .But there are always ideas about what all people of a certain group are like .These ideas are called stereotypes.(英翻汉) There are 365 days in a year.Well,do you spend some time studying every day in 365 days?We sleep 8 hours a day,so we have 122 days for sleeping.There are 52 weekends in a year.Each weekend is two days.If we want to relax and rest on weekend,we lose a There are [365]days in a year.(括号部分提问) A.将下列句子改成一般疑问句:1.There are 365 days in a year.2.l have two eggs in my hand. 小升初新概念英语练习题!勿入!二、填空:1、There are____(365)days in a year.2、September is the____month of the year.3 There are forty-six students in class____(三班).4 December is the____and last month of the year.5 Ann receive 《社戏》 读11~12段、回答下列问题1、文段运用哪些修辞手法?从哪些方面具体写出对夏夜行船的感受?2.描写这些景物有什么作用?3.为什么说听到安静的横笛声却“自失”起来? Experience is not what happens to a man;it is what a man does with what happens to him every man (do/does)? 如家招待所有二十个大房间和二十五个小房间,住满人共可住150人.已知每个大房间比每个小房间多住三人.求大、小房间每间各可以住几人?请用算术回答和详细解说, 郑州铝合金百叶窗哪里好a? 信息技术指什么 英语翻译我可歌曲名和谁唱的, 人口迁移对城市有什么影响 人口迁移对社会的影响 西部大开发的意义是什么? 影响人口迁移的因素是什么? 速来 英语造句 have time to do sthhave time to do sthtaste+ adjeither...orbe good forbe bad forbe late for我自己总结的搭配 看一些例句= = 为什么用社会语言学分析语言现象 社会语言学因素 请问什么是社会语言学因素 我是我的唯一英语怎么读 this is a man with black hair (改为复数句)------- ------two---------with black ------- William is the man with the black hair变成一般疑问句并作肯定简略回答 连词成句 black boy with do the hair you know(?) 影响人口迁移的主要因素 人口迁移的主要因素要点 I should have known better 翻译为我本应更好地知道,还是我本应更熟悉 犯罪是阶级社会中的一种社会现象 这句话对吗? 用因为所以造一句关于社会现象的句子 急求英语连接的短语!给英汉语对照的好么?、 英语检讨书800字的汉语翻译 英语翻译检讨书 老师,非常抱歉.我再开学的第二堂课就迟到了.理由还非常的荒谬,竟然是去小卖部吃零食去了.我非常惭愧,我向您承诺.以后尽量不迟到了.如果再迟到.就罚我跑操场3圈吧.翻译