
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 08:53:04
28.The twins are ______.A.woman doctors B.woman doctor C.women doctor D.women doctors They're the ( )(woman doctor)in No.1 Hospital.( )内填空 welcome to beijing谁跟我翻译一下啊,后面的,谢谢了Welcome to Beijing The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will give friends from all over the world an opportunity to experience Beijing, the capital city of China. Beijing is both a tribute to Ch can play the drums ,too. Welcomes to Beijing?Welcome to Beijing?公交站牌上面怎么有s,我纳闷半天,还真感觉晕了。北京的奥运英语不是有专人负责么? 火星适合人类生存吗? 火星适宜人类生存吗 they are ____(woman)____(teacher) Universal Exports 中文意思是什么? china asia universal的中文意思.正式的.请给出中文亲近的词语。 图论中的universal vertice翻译成中文怎么说图论方面的,表示universal vertice与其他顶点都相连得顶点,不知道中文翻译成什么?是不是翻译成“普遍顶点”? pyronoc universal 2 拜求! 英语翻译rt. 改为同义句:He borrowed a book from Tom. They are some young women(改为单数形式)清楚明白 they are old computers改为单数形式 The ___ girl who is sitting over there is Mary's cousin.A pretty little Swedish B little pretty Swedish请问pretty little先后顺序如何判断. What 's the girl sitting over there?A She is my sister B She is betty C She is a nurse D She is reading look at the girl over tere 翻译 自始至终 用英语怎么说如题 How much do you spend___(buy)new clothes? how much do you spend on your clothes every month同义 How much do you spend on the coat?How much___the coat___?How much___you___for the coat?句型转换 无聊这个英文单词是什么, 令人乏味的英文单词 麻烦英语老师做这题初中英语习题补全对话,每空一词.A:Good afternoon,Mrs Brown!What can I do _____ you?B:Good afternoon,Doctor.I’m not _____ well.A:What’s the ______ with you?B:My head hurts.A:Do you have a _______ B 英语翻译could you tell me:"have you worked as a volunteer in your spare time“改写句子 翻译 你能告诉我怎么操作这台新电脑吗?虽然金融危机席卷全球,但我们还是希望贫穷无望能远离我们.中考的临近极大 物竞天择 适者生存 我们究竟在执着什么如题 These( )many books in the bookcase.填have has还是 are? 求初中英语各类从句的用法包括引导词和用法 英语翻译1、我不喜欢他昨天下午给我讲的那个故事.2、我不想与那个只考虑自己的人交朋友.3、你认识那个正在与我们老师谈话的那个人吗?4、他居然住在一幢墙是黄色的房子里5、你记得你