
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:25:47
长妈妈读音是zhang还是chang 新概念英语2摘要习作(速~)第四课的1.What has the writer just received from his brother,Tim?2.Is Tim an engineer,or is he a docter?3.How long has he been in Australia?4.Has he already visited many places or not?5.Where is he now?6.Has 朗文外研社新概念英语第二册第一课摘要写作答案请5天内回答. 归园田居 道狭草木长(chang)(zhang)?要具体原因,不要什么“我猜的”!理由要充分,决定性因素! The snake turned about and bit the a bit out of hand Idon't know the boy b___jim,who is he i know who the thief is.i know who is the thief.哪个对?为什么? 新概念二册摘要写作第14、15、16、47、18、19、20课 新概念二的摘要写作急求新二第48课的摘要写作.你想对我说什么)快—————————————————————————————— 请问make a list of和make a list with的区别? make a list for和make a list of的区别? make a list .呃....忘记乐 `` make a list of与make a record of及make a survey of的区别请详细 高一英语练习册P3 高分求马丁·路德·金的演讲稿求马丁·路德·金的英文演讲稿,如果你能找到中文的也要,我有一个梦想不要,下面里面几个找,能找到几个就几个,《All Here And Now》、《The Better》、《The Dilemma And a little little 的用法 和 a few few 的用法! 关于《野望》(王绩)一些赏析1.诗人在傍晚野望时,描绘出了怎样的景色?用了什么手法?2."相顾无相识,长歌怀采薇",表达了诗人怎样的心情?RT知道的说下哈thanks!- =. 《野望》王绩写的·谁会翻译? 王绩《野望》它的内容 everybody is ____(suppose )to know the great singer求详细讲解 everyone is s__to know the great singer everybody is c() to know the great singer Acice didn't know how she could draw horses well.(写出同义句) He is too young to go to school(改为复合句 Did you hand in your homework yesterday 肯定回答 Did Evan finished his homework 否定回答 如“高”的读音是____? 语文那些读音怪怪的字音该怎么记啊比如面面相觑中的觑读第一声而不是第四声,又比如妄自菲薄的菲读第三声而不是第一声 混搭的读音语文自音题目,求解析,谢谢 用最通俗的语言解释 卖空和买空 的含义? 谁可以通俗的解释卖空(short sell)?不要定义. peter hurt his leg yesterday john hurt his left leg yesterday对划线部分提问