
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 19:37:35
内裤外穿 英文可以说吗? i think it necessary that we take plenty of hot water every day .改成不用it连接的宾语从句怎么改? There is some water in the bottle.There _____ __There is some water in the bottle.There _____ _____ water in the bottle.肯定句表否定意义 超女里的“PK”是哪个或哪两个词的缩写? 填空:You can ask that girl at the i____ desk for whatever you want to know. I am sorry.Your paper is ______ mistakes.A filled of B fill with C full of ”温馨的港湾,我的家“翻译成英文,怎么翻译?谢谢 1.More than 200 lives___in about 200 major cases of violence in the western region since 1990.A.had been lost B.have lost C.were lost D.have been lost2.They've won their last three matches,_____I find a bit surprising.A.that B.when C.what D.which3.Ge 我要弯曲三根D16的三级钢筋,弯曲角度为180°,请高手计算一下需要多大的扭矩力最好能把计算公式给我. 弯起钢筋的下料计算?斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段的长怎么计算斜段 your composition is full of mistakes i wish i___your composition is full of mistakesi wish i___more careful A were B had been C would be D would have been Writing in haste, your composition is full of errors.(Writing) (in haste), your composition (is full of) (errors).找出括号内错误的一项,麻烦告诉我原因,谢谢! [-B67] Your composition is ______ to your brother's.A.the same B.identical C.differentD.equal翻译包括选项并分析 Tom is careful and Lucy is careful,too.【同义句】 Tom is【】【】【】Lucy 1,4,15,17,18.有没有看到图 15,17,18 吧其他我了解了 Are there any public phones near here?Do you know?合并为一句 Do you know____ ___ ___ any public phophones near here? 计算弯曲力的目的是什么? I don't think Li Lei is a good student.这是一个否定前置的句子.我想问如果主语不是第一人称用否定前置吗?我的意思是如果think 后的宾语从句如果是否定句,主句不论主语是第几人称都要否定前置 Car is moving along the street (slow Look,the tortoise is moving so ___(slow).为什么 复数后面有两个名词怎么加S为什么women teachers两个都要加? 请问直径为9.8mm的玻璃纤维增强塑料弯曲试验的方法? Beautiful Soul 的中英文歌词Jesse McCarteny 求beautiful soul歌词 Beautiful Soul的歌词 ._who wants to can put up _hands.A.Anyone,their B.Those,their C.They,your D.Somebody,his为什么不能选B呢,A中可以是his吗 鲍鱼是什么?用来形容女人的. He can keep the book (for a week).对括号部分提问 鲍鱼是什么啊总听说香港有钱人总吃什么鲍鱼鲍鱼的 吃了有什么好处呢 究竟鲍鱼是什么东西………… windows xp下安装vmware 运行后总是提示you do not have vmware tools installed 古代描写“玉”的词语或者字?