
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:01:30
概率 (12 14:27:42)有五条线段,长度分别为1,3,5,7,9,从中任取三条线段,一定能构成三角形吗 概率是多少 此题共三问 希望能写出过程 讲解下从一个图书仓库中随意抽取100本书,按内容可分为文科,理科2类,按装潢可分为精装和平装2种,其中文科书40本,精装书70本,理科平装书20本1 求任取1本恰好是文 小明准备今年暑假到北京参加夏令营活动,但需要一名家长陪同前往,爸爸、妈妈都很愿意陪同,于是决定用抛硬币的方法决定由谁陪同,每次掷一枚硬币,连掷三枚.(1)用树状图列举三次抛掷硬 几道英语词性转换题!1.Sam is a_____worker.(medicine)2.The workers are going to_____the road very soon.(wide)3.Take a_____and have a good rest.(sit) 几道英语题目(词性转换)词性转换1.tooth(复数) _______2.sieep(形容词) _______3.make(过去时) _______4.diary(复数) _______5.round(形容词) _______6.mother(反义词) _______7.wife(复数) _______8.danger(形容词) _______9.tomat 英语词性转换的题1.At last ,the child was sent to _____(safe).2.Please make the cake according to the ____given by the (instruct)3.The ____(city) hope that the special Olmpic will be_____(succeed)in October.4.The sentence "the book belong to u 英语词性转换题Mary,I should tell you it is the third time that you------(forget)to do your homework为什么要填have forgotten? 英语词性转换.9题stunning 动词 manage 名词Western 名词 independent 反义词Western 反义词 prepare 名词strict 副词 dust 名词appointment 动词 英语的单词词性true,wonderful,rich,think的动词与名词形式life,talk的动词与形容词形式interest,famous,discover的名词形式follow的名词与形容词形式love的动词形式望告之. 英文单词词性unable有没有名词和副词?要是有那是什么?respond和calculate的副词是什么?sudden的动词是什么?explore的形容词和副词是什么?exploringly的什么词性什么意思? 英语单词词性.英语单词 词性.举个例子 n代表名词.请把所有的词性所写都告诉我.然后通常都接在什么词后面使用? 英语单词的词性是什么啊? 英语单词的词性 后面有的vi.vt.adj.什么的我都知道 a.是什么 英语 (8 23:14:19)你知道他的名字吗?Do you know ___ his name ____? 英语 英语 (14 9:43:39)another other others the other的区别WHO CAN TELL ME?WHY? 英语 2 (2 14:3:33)pay,cost,take的区别是什么,该如何使用 英语 明天要交!(14 15:11:33)This  pair  of  shoes  _____not  for _____.A.are,mine                       & 英语 是英语 (7 9:7:46)你的笔友是哪里人?———他是加拿大人._______    ________    your   pen   pal  _________?He's   _________    Canada.他住在什 英语翻译a  good  piace  to  have  fun         let   sb  do  sthhave  a  good  trip  高一 英语 不懂 请详细解答,谢谢! (21 10:9:13)The students are ________ teenagers between 16 and 19.A.almost    B.most    C.mostly   D.at most-You needn't do it right now, 高一英语有些不懂得.1.He is very strict ___his own works and he is also very strict___his own workA With:in B in:with C to:in D in :to2.She smiled__her mother did when she was Jenny`s age.A.like B.what C.which D.as如果可以请分析一下 不懂 1 Do you think that a horse can be made ______ water?A drink B drinks C drinking D to drink2 You can go out ____ you come back home before 11 o"clockA as far sa B as long as C as well as D as soon as3 Nowadays on TV there are lots of home shopping ad 英语 ENGLISH (28 13:14:38)Mr Brian suggested _____ the success of our school.A.drinking to  B.drinking for  C.to drink to  D.to drink for 英语 英语 (5 22:22:38)The old woman went to the market,   ________  eggs,and then turned home.A.buying two scoreB.bought two scoreC.to buy two score ofD.to buying two scores of 高一 英语 English 请详细解答,谢谢! (7 21:17:11)It's  winter  now.  But  it   doesn't  snow  in my  hometown.这里的 doesn't  snow  可不可以换成isn'tsnowing  ? 英语 English (4 20:38:21)They _____ English.A.too are   B.are too C.are all    D.all are 英语 英语 (16 19:36:38)我是在上海买了这本书. 英语翻译用所给定的词组翻译下列句子:1.天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞.(as  though)2.他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的指望.(expect……from) 英语 英语 (5 17:36:42)----she couldn’t  understand was-----few and few students showinterest in her class.第二个空是填why还是that?区别pay back和pay off 英语 英语单选 (17 17:27:42)-which hotel did you stay in last week?-well,just the one _______I think you once met Ge You and his family.A.that     B.which   .C.as   D.where问下A和D怎么选择?  英语 英语 (13 13:5:17)—The meeting has already started.—Look!The flag is          now.A.risen         B.raising        C.b