
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:19:13
我妹妹不会使用计算机 My sister______ _______ a computer根据汉语提示完成句子 My sister wants to be a computer programmer (对 computer programmer提问) 作文题目:My sister and her computer1:妹妹12岁,是一名七年级的学生. 2:妹妹房间里有一台电脑,她经常晚上用.60词……三克油 then lost cool The world gets better every day,but gets worse every evening. 上表意下表声的字 lost my faith 歌词 国庆节 中英文翻译 英语中介词能修饰动词吗? that's right 如图,∠AOB=60°,AO=10,点P在射线OB上,根据以下条件,分别求出OP的长(1)△AOP是等边三角形(2)△AOP是直角三角形(3)△AOP是钝角三角形 什么是状语从句?你能简要说明状语从句的概念吗? you mei you shui guai 怎么调凤凰台 凤凰台在哪 帮我翻译一下Please enjoy the pain which is unable to avoid. 电脑上如何看凤凰台? 凤凰台属于哪地啊 草字头加天是什么字啊? Do you think the cheetah is __(fast) animal on the Earth? 荷马史诗的写作特点《荷马史诗》在写作上有什么特点 求解Miss Smith has classes ____ day:Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays.Miss Smith has classes ____ day:Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays. A.every other B.each other C.all other D.this and another求这道题目详解;同时,我对这方面知识点 2008³-2×2008²-2006/2008³-2008²-2009是求2008³-2×2008²-2006除以2008³+2008²-2009的值,不好意思。 The___days,my wife and I went to the cinema.A.last B.later C.others D.other the,other,went,cinema,day,i,to,the.请问,谁能帮我组句. with abandon 完成对话 A Hi han mei nice meet you B Hi jim ___to meet you too where are you going? Hi,han mei,can you see 什么 orange?no,I 什么.A a;is not B an;can not C the;don not D some;are not 1._____you Han Mei?No,I_____not.My name_____Li Hua.2.How old_____you?I_____11 and Mary_____12.3.The two girls_____Lily and Lucy.4.This_____Mrs.Green.She_____my teacher.5.There_____three bags and a chair in the room.用be动词填空 英译中:I adore this...The design is exquisite and delicateI adore this...The design is exquisite and delicate,Among some of the nostalgic elements give me the feeling of fantasy and elegant. 以亲近为题的作文 亲近什么, 怎么写亲近世博、亲近绿色的作文以绿化及世博为主