
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:37:38
电视剧 on call 36小时里面的音乐,要全的~ I feel betrayed by my friend,Hannah.中文意思是什么 feel是修饰什么词的?sb feel 加什么词? 如图在三角形abc中,ab=ac,角dcb=角cbe (1)三角形adb和三角形abe相似么 (2)求证:ab的二次方=ad*ae feel like sb ____?《老友记》第一季第一集中:罗斯说:I feel like somebody reached down my throat and grabbed my small intestine.为什么是feel like sb done sth 我们老师让做一个科技小制作,我一时找不到题材,明天就要报道了还要写科技论文,如果有的话做好是材料简单的里面有600毫升的饮料瓶,要快给我答复,今天我就要做完. 非常简单的一道matlab积分题>>x=[7.0,10.5,13.0,17.5,34.0,40.5,44.5,48.0,56.0,61.0,68.5,76.5,80.5,91.0,96.0,101.0,104.0,106.5,111.5,118.0,123.5,136.5,142.0,146.0,150.0,157.0,158.0];>>y1=[44,45,47,50,50,38,30,30,34,36,34,41,45,46,43,37,33,28,32 on call 36小时2 车车得了什么病 on call 36小时大结局? on call 36小时几点直播大结局 谁知道On call 36小时2里的无面人奇遇记在第15集中向芊儿讲给小星的故事 ways to go from ine place to another什么意思ways to go from one place to another打错了 干吗要读书?大神们帮帮忙 读书一定是正确的吗? 根据英文解释写出单词:to go away from a place or a person go from one place to another可以转换为什么词,以t开头,l结尾 made in UK 和 made in the UK 有什么不同? 英语翻译我要中文翻译! 请详细解释____to a university in the UK ,international students must display a strong ability in spoken and written English.A.Having been admitted B.To be admitted C.Being admitted D.Admitted ____to a university in the UK ,international students must display a strong ability in spoken and written English.A.Having been admittedB.To be admittedC.Being admittedD.Admitted需要详细解释 buy.sb.sth音标给出. 当人生错了方向,是否停下脚步就是进步 有人说:既然选择了远方,就只顾风雨兼程.有人说:人生如果走错了方向,停止就是进步.帮忙想个中心有人说:既然选择了远方,就只顾风雨兼程.有人说:人生如果走错了方向,停止就是进步.帮忙想 配好的标本防腐剂在那买得到?鸟类,兽类用.现成的. 人生如果错了方向是停止还是继续前行? dick would like to help him at once ang said that a friend in need( )a friend indeed注意那个said,不是应该在空里填was吗,为什么答案是is I need a book one that can help me with my english这个one的作用是啥,去掉one可以吗 人生如果错了方向,停止就是进步 【高考】定语从句The book was written in1946,___the education system has witnessed great changes.A.when B.during when C.since then D.since when答案选D 为什么要用since?为什么要用when不用其他引导词?那这里先行词是BO The book was written in 1946,the education system has witnessed great charges.The book was written in 1946, the education system has witnessed great charges.A.when B.during whichC.since then D.since when The book was written in 1946,_______ the education system has witnessed great changes.A.when B.during which C.since then D.since when