
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:35:36
我是一个英语超差的人,现在已经是高2的人了,可是连最最基础的还不知道!现在想补上,请问有什么英语辅导书, “尺寸超差”的英语翻译 还有“孔偏移”的英文翻译 额定功率为80KW的汽车,在某直线公路上行驶的最大速度为20m/s,汽车的质量m=2×10³kg,如果汽车从静止开始做匀速直线运动,加速度为2m/s²,运动过程中阻力不变,求:(1)匀加速直线运动的 高中物理题,求详细解答过程,谢谢大家! 高中物理题,求详细过程及答案~ 天空有近似等高的浓云层,为了测量云层的高度,在水平地面上与观测者的距离为d=3.0km处进行一次爆炸,观测者听到由空气直接传来的爆炸声和由云层反射来的爆炸声时间上相差Δt=6s,尝试估算 看看这几道英语语法题怎么选啦老规矩,为什么选这个啦,20. It’s time we ______ the lecture because everybody has arrived.(0 分)A. will startB. startedC. startD. shall start25. I have been looking forward to _____ 1At lesat i could tell my mum that i had gotten her money's w_______ 2 The school was completely d_______ by fire 3 Itimportant to keep c_____ in an emergency 4 A d______ illness made Helen blind 5There is e_____ that eating a big breakfast can impro 英语翻译 All the teachers have a high ____ of Mary because she is smart and hard-workingA.suggestion B.idea C.advice D.opinionLet's vote _____ who will be monitor of our class.A.decide B.decidi 阿拉伯数字的由来 要英文版的短篇介绍 一辆汽车以20m/s的速度行驶,现因故障,最终停止运动,已知汽车刹车过程的加速度为5m/s,求汽车从刹车经过5s所通过的距离是多少?不要只有答案. 春节的由来(英语)短文有春节的由来,春节的习俗(英语版)短文,越短越好! 依靠惯性和阻力使汽车到站时刚好停下来,以减少油耗.如果汽车的速度是21.6KM/H,前进时受到的助力是汽车所受到重力的0.03倍,则离站多远关闭发动机?(G取10M/S2) The shy boy appeared in the classroom,_____ his mother,who was leading him _____hand.A followed by…on his B followed…by Cfollowing…by the D following…by 选C _____is how he has collected so many stamps.A What I am puzzled B That I am puzzled 1.The librarian has catalogued each book in the fiction section.为什么each要改成every?2.the bird sister of his is such a spitfire.为什么the 要改为that3.I feel as if my head were on fire.为什么were要改为was4.I has worked (work) all d 电视房用英语怎么解释 问几道英语语法题目1.it was not until ___ the problem difficult to work out that i decided to ask tom for advice.为什么不用did i find要用i did find2.it remains__whether jim'll be fit enough to play in the finals选项是to be seen 为 求简单电脑知识英语讲解视频!求关于简单电脑知识的英语讲解视频下载!其中英语词汇越少越好,如果是外研版初一英语上学期Module10的配套视频也可!急求,早答有加分! 问几道英语语法题1._____of the month___passed A.Half;have B.Half;has C.Half;have beenD.Half;has been 2.Regretting past failures will not help us to prepare for____examintions.A.further B.future C.hard D.difficult 3.I ____a cold for five days , 高手帮忙解释一下这个英文视频什么意思?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVf12QqFRPg 他姐姐晚上从不看电视.(用英语解释) 五年级上册英语配套练习册答案,尤其是第9页, 五年级上册英语练习册第54页答案 英语翻译今天学两句英语,一、今天,为小营地准备药品二、这几天阳光很强烈,不带帽子外出干活是危险的 求两道英语语法题,选什么,为什么,48.________ in the Atacama Desert.A) It never virtually rainsB) It virtually never rainsC) Never it rains virtuallyD) Never virtually it rains(D)49.Society now requires the university to be a part of t 短跑运动员在100m竞赛中,测得7s末的速度是9m/s,10s末到达终点是的速度是10.2m/s,则运动员在全程内的平均速度. 1)一物体做匀变速直线运动,试证明在任意一段时间t内的平均速度等于该段时间中点t/2时刻的瞬时速度。2)一个做匀加速直线运动的物体,连续通过两段长为S的位移所用的时间分别为L1、L 请问 这道英语语法题 应该选什么?_____for Jane,we would have lost the tennis match very badly.(虚拟语气)A.Had it not been B.Were it not beenC.If it has not been D.If it was It was possible that I____go to America at that time.A.may B.shall C.might D.should为什么C不对If you won't do as I tell you ,you ___go to the danceA.,won't B.shan't C.shouldn't D.mustn't 答案是B为什么D不对Little Jim should love ____to th 有关于英语的一道题,求速解面对危险你应该保持镇定,这很关键That you should keep calm matters in face of danger.(keep)一道高一英语的按给出词写句子的,句子应该是对的,就是不知道为什么matter要加s, Linda was upest ——What Peter had said to herA because B as Cbecause of Dsince选什么,since和as有什么区别