
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:13:23
sleep on something good,children,do,Cindy,think,with,you,is,the(连词组句) 有关抗震救灾的词语☆★有悬赏的8个以上 on every weekday moring 这样的短语正确么 介词on 是否应该去掉?为什么?但是你们说的好像都不正确 我随便选一个了 祝你们好运啊 抗震救灾的诗句快 You cannot see everything on one trip. 翻译 翻译Everything cannot erase my love for you You ( ) watering the flowers. 根据上下文完成对话,然后回答问题.Ben;What are you ( ) there?Helen;I'm watering the flowers.Come here and ( ) a look.Ben;Wow,how ( Do you like ( Helen;Yes,I do.I like ( ) pictures,too.Ben;We have the ( ) ( ).Do you draw pictures every (I cry cry you my all say goodbye)中文意思?急,要准确, 尊王攘夷什么意思语言通俗点 the ice couldn't hold /keep her car for very long.这里既可以用“hold"也可用“keep”吗 we will watering the flowers tomorrow?为什么句子中“watering”要加“ing”?而不是原型? 第三大题第5, 怎么简单的用比例解决问题?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 we are watering the flower.we don't have had any rain for two months.(改为compound sentence) 有won't you?的反义疑问句,肯定回答用什么 在反义疑问句中,有没有用“won't you”的?什么时候?请举例. one's I don't want to have the question of what to furnish our room with ____about any more.为什么是过去分词. to swim in Kunming Lake is a great pleasure在昆明湖里游泳是非常愉快的事这里的to swim改成swimming行吗?in Kunming Lake是地点壮语,能做主语吗?把great换成very行吗?整句改成swimming is a very pleasure in Kunming Lake. 固体熔化时,其温度()A.一定上升B.一定不变C.可能上升也可能不变D.以上说法都不对 把钥匙给我 用英语翻译一下(要词组) As (time) passes 翻译为什么不用days.times.monthss 什么时候whatever=no matter that 怎么分别.有什么特点. How to control diabetes and its complications?State some known methods. The country tried to control unreasonable housing prices,_____ some experts say are creatingmore problems.A.whichB.whyC.whenD.where 用the way to+地点造三个短语 仓鼠是如何交配的?40字以上,不要离题! 仓鼠交配我家新买了2只仓鼠,可它们有交配的样子,但过了一会它们好像交配完了以后,母仓鼠先在滚轮上呆呆的缩成一团,请问下它有没有怀孕啊? 怎样让仓鼠交配呢我的两只鼠鼠,我是分开养的,现在母的都六七个月了,想让它们交配,可是我把母的放进公的笼子里两个一见面就打,我只好赶紧分开.没有受伤,可是母的一直大声叫.该怎么办 仓鼠 如何交配我家鼠鼠最近公的总是把母的扑倒在地,然后舔她肚子或者嘴,母的就叫,好像仓鼠交配不是这个样子的吧,是不是打架?但是平常不打架啊,还有个问题就是母的仓鼠现在越来越胖,