
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 23:18:38
How is your mother now?She isA good B well C health These are my friends .变单数 零用英语怎么说? I'm too hungry.Can you give me ( A .anything to eat B.something to eat I am ________ Can you give me something to eat? could you give me something ————.(eat用所给词填空 (I have to decided to give up you )什么意识呀 friendship have to give up we I have decided to give up smoking是什么意思 用英语怎么说“放心吧”和“办这事太麻烦”要地道的口语和书面语 英语达人速度The house which I used to live in has disappeared.The house in which I used to live has disappeared.两句话有什么区别?which与in which 有什么区别? would you please give me ___orange juice,Bill?A.a bit B.a bit of C.a little 英语达人速度来.有没有哪个单词最后两个字母是YU的?有的麻烦列出来,多多益善.那可否为我取一个英文名,蕴含天空宇宙的意思。 英语达人速度点..DYING IN THE PLACE OF SOMEONE I LOVE SEEMS LIKE A GOOD WAY TO GO!BUT I WONER...WHOSE LOVE WILL GET ME HOME? have no choice do还是have no choice to do对? i have no give 这是我 脑子里突然出现的一句话 I have been have give up本人外语不怎么好..希望哪位能帮我翻译一下这句话的意思... 他也是我的好朋友 英文怎么写 he is our good friend,( ) 找一首英文歌,歌词开头是嘿嘿,uu,our good friend是个女的唱的,像舞曲,很HIGH 谁有关于广州地方特色景点的英文介绍啊?我的朋友的华裔大伯要来广州,叫我带大家一起去逛一下广州这个大都市.本来人家在外国看够了繁华,如何我还带人家去北京路,天河城这点地方去实 I have cleaned my bedroom last night.这句话的时间状语对不?能用在完成时吗?请问过去式和现在完成时有没有通用的时间状语?楼下的说this morning和tonight可以,那为什么last night就不行呢? 我已经打扫我的卧室一个小时了:I have cleaned my bedroom for one hour.翻译的有问题没? I have cleaned my shoes.改为一般疑问句并作否定回答. Could I clean the bedroom for you?A.have cleanedB.had cleaned 选哪个 My sister is tall with long hair.对 tall with long hair进行划线提问 My mother is tall and has long hair同义句 How do you like your English teacher?He is great.We al love him.We __friends for three years.A:were B:have made C:have been D:have become 15.Our English teacher is always very___________to us.(friend)16.He's one of ___________ boys in my class.(nice) 17.You must be ___________than before.The bus nearly hit you.(careful) 18.Millie's English is ____________ than Amy's.(good) 19.Peter is 首字母填空:I have made my m( ) to go hiking next Sunday. A____ have been made to give the foriegn guests a warm welcome.(首字母填空) I have made up my mind give up your Iove. 英语达人