
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:22:50
面条应该多吃汉堡应该少吃用英语怎么说? 水果沙拉 汉堡包 面条 中哪一个是不同类的词 求英文翻译“许愿瓶里装满了同学们对我的祝福”急求……英语大虾帮忙噻……3Q呀 求疯狂的淘宝1第5关15题的答案 1-15题谢谢 What's your favorite movie star?I don't have ( ).I don't like to go to movies.A.some B.any C.many 要解析 我想问候鸟 帮“周燕”取个英文名,最好有谐音的,有含义的、 5个4/15是多少. 1=5 2=15 3=150 4=200 5=? Who is your favourite movie star? Who is your favoyite film star?Why? I don't think he stole the money,___? I B.don't I C.did he D.didn't he “小候鸟”是什么意思? 15*0.4表示求15的()是多少 105*0.5的积是()位数 1_9三位数连起来等于15而且中间是5怎么排 大雄的毛笔上有颗记号☆,如果用它来表示一个5位数,这个5位数满足等式:☆7/7☆=1/4,这个5位数是多少 顿号的使用 动词短语可以用顿号表示停顿吗 be due to do sth造句5个be harmful for tobe unfit forarrange with sb about sth造句, Me and my old man have been together for ten years now.为什么在这里用了Me而不用I是口语还是什么固定搭配? we have been together 里的together是形容词? 我叫li xiao如何起个谐音的英文名(女生)希望~名字不要那么~普通~最好是自己根据谐音新编的~ What a wonder!They have finished _______ half of the project in such a short more than less than C.not more than D.much less than What ____ things did you use to like to do when you were a kid?A.another B.otherC.else答案是B但为什么不可以选C? 用他 去 十月 是不是 北京造句,突出“去”字 at one time such behavior might have offended him,but now he couldn't have cared less.如果我翻成:要是别的时候这种行为也许已经冒犯到他了,但现在他不能不在意.那似乎前后矛盾了. 他 去 是不是 北京 侧重他怎么造句 用“他 去 十月 是不是 北京”造句,突出“他”字 翻译 来往北京的火车定于10点发车(be due to) When you do exercise,r___to do what you like .根据首字母填空 有没有什么好吃的做起来又方便的食物?甜点? 清风有意难留我,明月无心自照人.的意思是什么?