
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:50:51
the football match前为什么加at就是at the football,是对还是错,为什么?还有at the shopping mall ,at the cinema 在保温瓶中灌入半瓶开水,塞紧瓶塞时,会发生蹦塞现象,同时,我们发现瓶口上方的 I'm ______ the big football match. 阴道里塞冰块是什么感觉 孙中山与鲁迅思想的启示明年是辛亥革命100周年,这是一个具有划时代意义的年头.当年孙中山的目的就是要推翻专制,建立一个民主,现代化的新中国.可是,君主专制虽然早已推翻,但现代化,minzh How many legs do horses have? WHAT IS NEW? 12“驱除鞑虏,回复中华,建立民国,平均地权.”是哪一组织的革命纲领?A兴中会 B华兴会 C光复会 D中国同盟会 美国愚者用肉体监视心灵,智者用心灵监视肉体! a fight broke out among the football fans and soon it went _control.为什么 选 beyond,(选under 意思是不久就被控制了,) No sooner ( )one task than she was asked to do another.a:she had finished b:had she finishedc:has she finished d:could she finish 英语翻译A fight broke out among the football fans and soon it went beyond control. what do you do?What's your job?What's does he do What's their jobs?都怎么回答 反意疑问句提问she doesn't think he is good ,______ _____? ( )What does it ______ to do this new job?A.feel like B.feels like C.feel D.feels 一道英语反意疑问句提问It seems that he is a teacher.反意疑问是isn't he,doesn't he,还是doesn't it? what job does he do?( 保持句意基本不变) ( ) ( )job? 反意疑问句的提问和回答怎么翻译啊?(要详细一点的) Tiny TINY TIMES~什么时候出?10月7号天津有签售会了 tiny Tiny times 1. 英语翻译请用英语回答,越详细越好,新注册的,50分全给了! 如何改反意疑问句He hardly enjoyed himself at the party last night.如何改为反意疑问句?并且请简要提点反意疑问句的特征,望尽快帮忙解决,谢谢! 改反意疑问句We must save the Earth.We must save the Earth,___ ___? 反意疑问句怎么改?my brother have never been to beijing,______?my friend like listening to the pop music,______?my aunt is working in the factory now,_____?there are few people in the room,____?let's finish the job,_____? 怎么改反意疑问句he seldom has spare time for hobbies,____? What are the three words that Peaple often say What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games? 孙中山弃医从政的原因是什么? 对孙中山弃医从政的感想? 试就孙中山弃医从政的史实,谈谈你对孙中山的看法