
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:36:01
could have been 用can't have been造句! 公共英语三级考完试多久出成绩?多长时间下证? We clean the classroom ( )Friday afternoon.A.on B.in C.at D./ We clean the classroom on Friday afternoon.改为一般疑问句 we clean the classroom every day (改被动) 求英文版自我介绍,120-150词 we must clean the classroom every day 同义句we must ( )the classroom( )every day on old day与in the past一样吗 与at one time一样吗 分别怎么用? Is this your key? ______A.Yes,it is B.NO,it is C.Yes,it isn't D.No,it is notA 和D好像都对 选哪个? school things British English on a farm in the day at the right time -----the next 10 days,I had a great time.A In B On C At D For 2011年3月份的公共英语三级的成绩什么时候可以查得到? can’t have been与couldn’t have been的区别? can't have been和can' have done有什么区别或者must have been和must hane done;may have been和may have done 坐在前排英文怎么说再翻译一句句子吧:尽管他在所有的参赛选手中年纪最轻, 最缺乏经验, 可他还是赢得了比赛的一等奖。谢谢~ 英语翻译如题 坐在大厅的前排翻译成英语 it could have been指形(吉他谱)有没有强人帮我画出it could have benn的左手指法 ,新手 看谱子只看的懂音,但是不知道什么指形按的最方便正确. 有没有牛人帮我画出来啊? Let's have a l_____.A pen is in it.It is m_____pen.It is a b_____pen.That is a green pencil.It is n_____my pencil .It is Alice's pencil.And I c______her at 67534280 It is her telephone number.And that is a white eraser.It is Mick's eraser,but I don't it could have been翻译成中文是什么意思?请翻译的诗意一些. Is this_____pencil?No,it isn't.It's_____.A.your ,hers B.your ,mine C.his,his “一封感谢信”用英语怎么说?是词组啊我们老师原来说过,我忘了,有个什么“a thank-you ……”后面的我就忘了,你们一个人一个答案,我该信那个哪? 现在在哪里可以查2010年上半年的公共英语三级成绩可以给个具体的网页吗? “图中前排左二是我”的英语怎么说?请赐教!急 有must/could/can/may/maight have been done吗 英语:Could ( ) have been ( )who helped Sunny get her work done?1.they ,it 2.they ,them 3.it ,them 4.it ,they这句话什么情况 我没看明白 4是什么情况?其他的为什么不能用 请帮我分别解释一下好么 make a list of popular english names and their short forms男生女生各3个快的加分写出来!简短和不简短的 9.First he made a list of the names of those .Then he began to write the invitation cards.9.First he made a list of the names of those _____ .Then he began to write the invitation cards.A.to be invited B.to invite C .invited D.being invited 为什么地球上前后两个相对应的地点会同时涨潮?我在写题目...不要给我发长篇大论就好了~最好言简意赅·谢谢 为什么要涨潮 in 1960s和in the 1960’s有区别吗?