
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:17:14
night it was very hot,so he wanted to sleep outside,but his mother told him______Last night it was very hot,so he wanted to sleep outside,but his mother told him______A not to B don't to C not to do D don't to do请给出分析... 英语专家进!i don't think he could have done so much homework,last night.i don't think he could have done so much homework,last night._______(反义疑问句)为什么 不加 last night 就可以填 could he,加上 last night 就必须填 did he the boy------(can ,could,was could)not swim last year Tom writes a letter to his father every week.(laTom writes a letter to his father every week.(last Sunday)把上面的句子改成否定形式 warm-up 与 warming up 的区别? 在写英语教案中应该写warming up 还是warm up?lead in 还是leading in?3q warming 一个人勤俭节约,用贬义词形容是什么?形容一个人勤俭节约,用贬义词形容是什么,最好是外号的那种,要根据他的特点 谓语后动词用ING形式做名词和不定式做名词有区别吗 his grandmother is talking to his mother对划线部分提问.划线部分是his mother. This is his mother.(对his mother提问) ______ ______ ______? His mother is a His mother is in hospityal .He is ________(s开头) 称呼外国女性某某小姐是用名还是姓?一个叫 菲奥娜 瓦伦蒂安 的外国女性,应该叫她 菲奥娜小姐 还是 瓦伦蒂安 小姐呢? 谁能给我一些女孩子的韩国名字?出国!(姓随便) 求一个外国女孩的名字(有姓有名)样式xx.xxx 外国女人结婚后姓名如何称呼?比如她本身姓Smith,但是嫁的人姓Black,那么是称呼她为Dr Smith还是Dr Black? 外国的姓氏!女生的哦!快啊!必须要是女生的.我想取一个完整的英文名字,名已经想好了,寓意很好,就不知道姓……额……大家帮帮忙啦!谢啦!哎呀!我姓米,外国怎么有这个姓嘛……所以,自 给幼儿上课之前为什么要做热身(warm 3Q warm-up翻译 数的甲骨文写法 我甲骨文怎么写 各个国家的姓名有的是前姓后名,有的是前名后名姓,英语是前名后姓,按习惯英语国家是称呼姓吗?为什么看了好多翻译的,大多数称呼姓,而有的又称呼名,怎么回事? 称呼的问题:西方人何时叫人名,何时叫人姓? 家庭卫生大扫除 暑假日记(要初中水平的,字数不要多400~500字) WARM CAFE怎么样 We were sitting in a cafe in the city,——hot coffee to try to warm up .A、drink B、to drink C、drinking D、drunk 英语面临一个翻译时比如翻译:一块橡皮 an eraser 一本书 a book 怎么识别加a还是加an呢? 什么是瞬间动词.列举几个及说明用法. 主语从句引导词在句子中可做哪些成分 The boss is very busy and can't meet you if you have no a appointment.怎译? have problems的用法