
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:00:35
和睦相处造句20字 急急急有人来 就站同 -√3/3 tanα=3^X ,tanβ=3^(-X),α-β=π/6,则X=_____. 若tan(2x-π/3)=-√3且x∈(π,2π),则x= 某车间计划加工2000个机器零件,每个零件用钢材14.3千克,在完成计划的百分之60后,通过改进技术,每个零件可节省钢材十三分之一,这批零件完成后,一共可节省多少千克钢材?【用方程解】 1.如图1,梯形ABCD中,AD//BC,E是AB的中点,直线CE交DA的延长线于点F.(1)△BCE与哪一个三角形全等,试说明你的原因;(2)若AB⊥BC且BC=4,AB=6,求EF的长2.如图2,已知两直线l1和l2相交于点A(4,3),且OA=OB.请分别求 ★初二寒假作业的数学应用题已知一次函数y=(2m+4)x+(3-n)1.当m、n是什么数时,y随x的增大而增大;2.当m、n是什么数时,函数图象经过原点;3.若图象经过第一、二、三象限,求m、n的取值范围. have room in your head是什么意思 在Excel表格中,如何把千克批量转换为克?公式是? 大树吸进二氧化碳,吐出氧气为什么称第一本领这样写有什么好处 It doesn't mean I don't like her but I don't know how to be in 请英语达人为我翻译. Atomic Kitten - Love Doesn’t Have To Hurt中文歌词 I don’t like to stay in the classroom,because the white walls make me____.I don’t like to stay in the classroom,because the white walls make me____.A.stressed B.to stress C.stress D.stress out I'm only brave when I have to be谁能把这段英文帮我解释下谢谢了~ i have been brave for long,i decide to live only for you. being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble 为什么look要加ing 狮子王里面的一句台词being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.我想问 1:为什么要用being ,这是什么用法?2:brave在这里是什么词性?谢谢 Only when you understand what I mean,...这句的only修饰的是不是主语.后面的句子要不要倒装? the room is in the terrible mess ,it can not have been cleaned .为什么用can not have beenWith all the work on hand ,he could not have gone to the cinema last night.为什么用could not have gone 而不用 should not have gone.Eve was late for cl michale was very angry .he left _a word 求教怎么用matlab求解logistic参数?数据是这些:t=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]y=[37,45,72.4,85.5,115,146,191,216,246,289]方程是y=(1-(1-(k/37)*exp(-r*t)))这里面的参数是k和ry=k/(1-(1-(k/30)^b)*exp(-r*b*(c0*t^2+c1*x)))^(1/b)这里的参 you must not make a noise in the classroom改为祈使句 如何回答反义疑问句祈使句 do not make any noise,will you?如何回答. 改为祈使句 1 will you read after me?2 you must not make any noise.3 can you give the pen to me? 请判断命题“若ab≤0,则a≤0或b≤0”的真假,为什么? 已知命题p:∀非零向量a、b、c,若a•(b-c)=0,则b=c.写出其否定和否命题并判断真假. look at abone picture and try write快... they do not doing their homework为什么不对呀?我看新概念上面说是 they are not ding their homework.不是说BE动词后面不能跟动词吗?DO不是动词吗? what you do in your life错了至少也改改 在翻译吧 好不负责 don't make any noise等于什么 甲乙两车分别从两地同时相向开出.甲车经过8小时到达乙地,乙车经过10小时到达甲地.1、相遇时,乙车行了360千米.求两地距离.2、相遇时,乙离目的地还有360千米.求两地距离.3、相遇时,甲比乙多 1.They____(not do) their lessons yesterday evening.2.---____Nick _____(watch)the game this weekend?----No,he isn't