
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:43:34
Attention,coffeelovers!We have for you,the best coffee machine___invented.A.everB.alreadyC.evenD.nowadays选A? 想当翻译 北京天津那些大学的翻译系不错 正方形ABCD中,M是BC边的中点,AN是∠DAM的平分线,交DC于N,求证DN+BM=AM 翻译:北京是一所历史悠久的大学.beijing University is a university( )( )( )( ) 正方形ABCD中,M为直线BC上一点,AN平分∠DAM交直线DC于点NM在BC上时,求证:AM=BM+DN(1)若点M在BC延长线上时,AM=BM+DN是否仍然成立?成立 证明;不成立,请说明理由(2)若点M在CB延长线上时,AM=BM+DN是 sounds good to “红白玫瑰战争”发生在哪一年﹖ It sounds OK to me!表对于,为什么不用for?表“对于”时,for和to有什么区别? that sounds ( ).but it is too ( )for me to do it 但我从来没有问他是什么倾向的那句话.用It occurs to.that 句型造句但我从来没有问他是什么倾向的那句话.用It occurs to.that 句型造句你从来没有想到中间的问题是复杂的,这句话也用上面的那个 求一款可以在不联网条件下使用的英汉辞典的软件 有基本的划词翻译等功能 有道和金山就算了 没网时也不好使啊 (或许我弄的有问题) 求教中~~需要一个电脑上能用的 一楼的也很感谢 不 有关红白玫瑰战争的书? 重庆哪里有卖大学英语阅读基本功难句过关王若平主编的 就是解析长难句的那种 最好在沙区附近 补充下...因为同学团购 想弄便宜点而且快点拿货的... MY Lift it is up to me!You Lift it is up to you! 用英语表达怎样做FLASH CARDS?HOW TO MAKE FLASH CARDS?PLEASE WRITE.各路英雄豪杰, was和were中文是什么吗+n"t There( )no school.括号里是填was 还是were? 离散数学中的 交换群一定是群吗? It only cares of joyful giving 里的care If you want to know whyThere's love that cannot lieLove is strongIt only cares of joyful giving Make your own name cards. It only cares of joyful giving的care of If you want to know whyThere's love that cannot lieLove is strongIt only cares of joyful giving He paid ___attention to the writer.A none B no如题 The judge paid no attention to _________ he had just lost his wife.A that B whichC what D the fact that此题为什么标准答案选D,而不选A, The judge paid no attention to ________ he had just lost his wife.A that B whichC what D the fact that此题为什么答案选D,而不选A, 到底是该用was还是用were?在if I were you 或if you were me这样的句型中,是不是两句都是用were?还有在if I were in your shoes和if you were in my shoes中也是,两句都是用were的吗?那什么时候才会用到was? was和were的用法最好有句型 用was,were填空1.The children ________in the zoo yesterday morning.2.Where_______Alice two days ago?She_______at her uncle's. by the window by the window与at the window意思与用法 by at in the windowby at in +window分别表什么意思?具体一些, He has been a student.请帮我 海丰话的撞墙是什么意思