
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:46:33
The discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught.其中being caught 充当什么成分? 德语 请问 kennenlernen的er发什么音? 是不是德语中的er有时也发“额”音(像英语中的er)?那么如何区分德语中的e是发“艾”还是“ei(拼音)”还是“额”? weigh up to 400 grams,live up to 150 years old,grow up to be 20 cm long为什么第三个有be动词? Could you help me to join the two parts ____to make one long .A.up B.each C.one D.together有回答up的,又有回答together的,亲爱的哥哥姐姐,叔叔阿姨们,到底选哪一个?或者join up 和join together 有什么区别? 动词后加doing的有哪些词 The police is running after a thief,为什么用after doing是动词还是名词还是什么词 小学三年级收集两个名人故事 题目 后接doing的动词有哪些?即可接doing又可接to do 的动词又有哪些? look,there are two policemen running after a thief there .running after 求英语什么动词接to do,什么动词接to doing,什么动词接ding?如题!具体一点, the police is running after the thref 哪个错了 The police offcer is running after the man.The mThe police offcer is running after the man.The man is wearing a black jacket.(合并句子) 语文趣味小故事2篇越短越好 Reading English Newspapers要求:Do you often read English newspapers?What do you think of English newspaper?What benefit do you get from the newspapers? 1、I am (reading English newspapers).(对括号提问)2、We enjoy ourselves at the Guitar Club .(改同义句)We____ ____ ____ ____ at the Guitar Club.3、(Millie)is my best friend.(对括号提问)4、The Sping Festival usually c 英语作文reading.newspapers帮写.报纸是重要传媒.看报能获得国内外最新消息.报纸能丰富我们的生活.举一实例说明.对我们学英语的人来说,看类似中国日报这样的英文报纸 关于爱国情怀的成语 描写爱国情深的成语?4个就够了! 下列关于地球同步卫星的说法正确的是( )A.它的周期与地球自转同步,但高度和速度可以选择,高度增大,B.它的周期、高度、速度都是一定的 C.我们国家发射的同步通讯卫星定点在北京 表现爱国情感的成语 表示爱国情深的.(成语)只要四个 描写爱国情操的成语谁能给我提供一些爱国情操的成语?马上!马上! The man is s________ that boy is thief A police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to _______ paying his fare.选项:a、avoidb、rejectc、refused、neglect (1/2)请帮忙分析一句话they suggested that the thief__to be taken to the police st I am good at reading English.的否定句、一般疑问句及简略回答? The thief ran away so fast that we didn't have time to call the police.(同义句)( ) we ( )call the police ,the thief ran away quickly. 第一人称反义疑问句 比如 I'm an english teacher,_______?为什么? English's 反义疑问句,如果出现I'think I'm afraid I'sure,等等这些,后面怎么看是肯定还是否定?如I don't believe he cares about clothes,doed he?是does he 为什么是肯定再如:I'm afraid she won't come here,will she?是will I am reading english in the study 否定句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句(4句)