
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 09:49:08
The rest of them don't go skating in winter.翻译下 读史随笔:雍正为什么会杀年羹尧? 按要求改句子1My parents usually cook nice food for us.(一般疑问)2my cousin does well in English(同义句) 七下作业本A 地球绕日的运动53 到 54 页的.俄滴上帝,救救我吧 英语我很烂 允禄是不是雍正钦命的辅政大臣?允礼,鄂尔泰,张廷玉外,李卫,田文镜算不算?(钦命大臣)求看看,快回复 我的英语好烂的,怎么办 冬瓜是不是可以减肥的? 英语超烂的, there are some hamburgers for lunch.改为否定句 there is some ___on the table.___woman in the purple skirt is Bet-ty's mother 什么句子的回答是I\'d like to skate in winter wouid,to,skate,like,winter,in,I(.)怎么连词组句?快快快快快.急 Because I can skate in winter 答句 She wants to skate like you.(用I改写为第一人称的句子) 地址用英语怎么说?英语比较烂,理解我 坏的用英语怎样写? 划线部分提问:It's red.There is a mirror in the bathroom.You are a student.He is drawing a picture. lie on sb lie in sb 区别 写蝌蚪是怎样变成青蛙的算是科普知识作文吗 我的爱好是跑步和画画英文是my hobbies are running and drawing吗 英语翻译同上 英语翻译我想学坏 把这几个字翻译成英语 求救谁来帮我写一篇40字的英语自我介绍,我英语烂 英语翻译全句是it is the responsibility of immigrants to adapt tp accepted rules of behaviour in their adopted country,both written and unwritten.最后一句both written and unwritten. She ——(dance) in the morning是什么她后面的横线填什么啊dance要变单三? To.welcome.school.back怎么连词成句 He is the sunshine of my life什么意思 He is the sunshine of my life是什么意思 英语很烂,请大家看看还能过6分吗In the present,the internet exists in our life more and more,which can supply us a approach of contacting with each other,with quickening developing society,the internet will be more comprehensively used by 五位选手在一次数学竞赛中共得404分,每人得分各不相同,其中得分最高的选手得90分,那么得分最少的选手最少得( )分? many rivers have been made ___these yearsA.dirty B.to dirty C .be dirty D.to be dirty bob are you连词成句