
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:34:57
时钟怎么看几点 钟表什么时间最好看 新的和旧的英文用汉字怎么读? It's All Fucking Bullshit!什么意思啊? It’s bullshit!后面那两个单词怎么读? "三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之."的感悟30字以上 三人行,必有我师.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之的意思 You don't have a drink.Can I get you ( )You don't have a drink.Can I get you ( A.something B.anything .--- Bill,can I get you anything to drink?--- .A.You are welcome B.No problemC.I wouldn't mind a coffee D.Doesn’t matter ---Can I get you something to drink?---_______ I am thirsty.a.Yes,pleaseb.No,thanksc.You are welcomed.Here you areget不是得到的意思吗?怎么是给呢? can i get you a drink?其中里面的drink是什么意思? 加冠 “冠”的读法在苏教版八年级下册二十三课《送东阳马生序》中,注解⑨对“加冠”的解释是:意思是到了成年.古时男子20岁行加冠(guan 四声),戴上成人的帽子,表示进入成年.可是不是 冠明的冠的读音是什么 “三人行,必有我师焉”这句话中“必”字用的正确吗?简要说说你的理解 三人行,必有我师焉,焉字的意思 三人行,必有我师焉.每个字的意思 为什么树是绿色? 树为什么是绿色的?树为什么是绿色的不是蓝色的或者白色的 帮忙翻译这段歌词 never let it goHere we go! I wont let go... Of the days when songs were made of gold Regret to break the mold When I live and breathe every line in every note. Cause those words, gave me strength when I wasn't strong enough t 求《Let It Go》歌词,英文加翻译的! spare time 可数么?spare time 后接are还是接is? 为什么有机分子具有三维结构 求“上邪”的翻译 . 英语翻译好像是苏教版的. 谁帮我翻译成上海话:原文:我们都这么大了,还怕天黑?你们几个真是胆小鬼! 求托福10.30的小马机经【要写作口语的题目和听力阅读的内容,不只是要日期】 The sentence structure of"My mother often tells me stories" my mother often tells us 什么stories we are all什么in them 托福机经预测的阅读和听力部分有用吗 还是只有口语和作文稍微靠谱点? the features of this sedan_____ an cell phone.我想问用include 还是 includes那为什麼不是就近原则? 哪位高手能将3dmax9.0英文版翻译成中文啊,操作界面全部的,我急等着用!谢谢了!高手,高手来啊! whose cell phone is this 把这改成 Do you have any idea__________ 的宾语从句.