
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:08:12
帮我把中文名翻译成英文谐音.我叫胡媛, 麻烦帮我翻译成英文的谐音好不. 要是我名字的谐音、. 拜托了哈. O(∩_∩)O谢谢或者用我星座取英文名,我i狮子座、 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 easy to move on Guess what I've been up to!是什么意思? You have a long way to go.Take it easy.就是刚才的那个问题!不是用来却人的.是一种挑衅的.就是以后走着瞧!是不是这样?帮我修改好一些!帮我吧“人生路漫长,谁知谁辉煌”帮我也翻译一下。 Tom________(look)like his father. The table is on w--------.So it's easy to move.横线处怎么填? 填空:Tom l() like his father. 提问 1)( )father is ill (he) 2)Tom ( )playing football(like) 3)I,m tired i want ( )a rest4)It,s time ( )lunch (hare)5)Mother is too surprised ( )a word(say)6)What a bout ( ) a pear?(eat)7)She ( )to do the shopping (hare) 3333怎么运算等于一到十 I like swimming very much ,and I like volleyball ,basketball and ping-pong.(2)( )I go toI like swimming very much ,and I like volleyball ,basketball and ping-pong.(2)( )I go to swim every weekend.在(2)处横线上填入一个恰 改错:My hobbies are play batminton,basketball and ping-pong. (We play basketball,sorrer,volleyball,ping-pang and so on. Ann watched TV yesterday evening.(改为否定句、一般疑问句,对Ann提问) 我的中文名转换成英文名是什么?要谐音的,我本人叫陈晓文.准备出国去了.可惜还没有一个和自己谐音相同的英文名字..性别.女的..但是我想要的是谐音.谐音谐音...谐音的..晓雯/..女姓的.. 我的中文名转换成英文名是什么?要谐音的,我的名字叫,程彬彬,希望大家帮我想一个英文名.要与我的名字相联, 中文名转换成英文名,谐音的那种中文名是葭苇,转成什么好?JEVI?女生,还有不要太大众化 帮忙把中文名转换成英文名(谐音)如题,根据谐音来转换.要女英文名.中文名是白莹艳.最好连带姓氏一起根据谐音转换过来.实在不行也可以舍掉姓氏.各位帮帮忙.一定要是女英文名.还有,最 Iwant to share my feeling with you翻译下这句英语的意思 急 英语翻译急用就是一个说自动售冰激凌的售货机,只要笑笑就会给一个免费的冰激凌的一个英语短文的翻译,急用 以Learn to love,learn to share为主题的英语手抄报写汉字也行!!要名人名言 -I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night.-- _-I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night.-- _,I know you’re busy these daysA.Of courseB.No kidding C.That's all rightD.Don't mention it you're still the only one,Just to make it yesterday my brother lent one hundred yuan to he 改为同义句he ______ one hundredyuan ________ my brotherl do not believe that they can do well in english 完成附加疑问句l do not believe that they can do well in english ,--------- --------- It was yesterday____ he met my brother in the zoo.中间填 that,还是when.为什么呢? my brother skated for the w___two hours yesterdayRT. 她开始学英语 She ( ) ( )English 她5岁时开始学习英语.She began _____ English ______ ______ ______ _____5 Can you share with us some of your hobbies?怎样回答速度一些! 她擅长英语吗?是的,她总是一有空就学习英语._she_ _English?yes,she_她擅长英语吗?是的,她总是一有空就学习英语._she_ _English?yes,she_ _ _when she_ _.空格处填什么? 英语翻译te or journal: Tom Ann's and birthdays in are month same the 怎么组成一个句子 Tom and Ann'sbirthdays in the same month.