
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:13:06
再帮我个忙用借代、夸张、双关、对偶这四种方法分别造一个句子 每个句子不低于20字 请用借代、夸张、双关、对偶这四种方法分别造一个句子 每个句子不低于20字 120-metres long 120-metres-long 120-metre long 120 metres long 哪个对? 岳阳楼记中比喻是哪个句子,借代是哪个句子,对偶是哪个句子 第一大题,按音标将下列单词归类 以it is not until ...开头的句子的反意疑问句怎么用? 英语翻译when the enemy is over the mine the touch of an electric button causes it to spring out of the ground until it is checked by a chain at the height of a yard above the surface,when it explodes,mowing down every man in the vicinity.请完 翻译:直到1972年战争才最终结束.(It is/was not until) About English(关于英语)What a bad time I had对吗时间怎么能用a? ____ it like that.A.Don't B.Does C.No____ it like that.A.Don't B.Does C.Not do D.Don't do They haven't got much tea___milk 顺便翻译第二句 A.or B.and C.but D.or 英语翻译学习方法,老师我们想给你提出以下几条意见,1:语速放慢,留出思考时间.2:多多指导学习方法.3:尽量较低学习难度.4:给予更多的鼓励.这句话翻译出来.要一句一句的翻译. bring us closer,有bring sb.+adj.的用法吗bring sb.可以加形容词吗?我查了好几遍都只有bring sb.sth.啊 The river near here is nearly _____ deep.A.two metre B.two metres C.two metre's D.two metres' bring it to sb 类似用法我知道bring sb sth,bring sth to sb,当sth 是it 时 只能用 bring it to sb.那show,give,pass,send,lend 有类似用法吗?为什么?一楼说的我都知道,但是当 sth 是it 这些单词有类似用法吗? 英语翻译写论文用的题目.麻烦帮我翻译成英语.“兴城”就是地名啦.银行对余额宝竞争的对策分析及建议——以兴城市银行为例 麻烦翻译一下这段话,谢谢it's always good to be optimistic but never a liar. ur problem is you lie to the people who care about you, then lie to yourself for ever having told a lie!...that's why you don't have the things you truely want in l 形容时间的词语有哪些 i usually have a lunch at 12 o'clock哪里错了,正确的怎么改 初一下学期第八单元作文.求助!假如你是刘梅,你的笔友露西下周六要来拜访你.请你发一封60词左右的电子邮件告诉她到你家的路线.信的开头和结尾以给出,不计入总词数. 你家的路线:从机 九年级英语根据汉语提示完成句子.6.That pair of sports shoes ____ ____ ____ (不可能)7.Our school singing team ____ ____ ____ (由……组成) of fifty members.8.The earrings might be a ____ ____ ____(给……的礼物) his mother.9. 请问对偶、借代和双关是什么意思? 三年级第八单元作文怎么写 【九年级英语】根据汉语提示完成句子1,他们的女儿已经成为超级女生,他们感到非常自豪.They ----- ----- ----- ----- their daughter,who is now a Super Girl.2,我们将尽可能出色的完成任务.We will finish our tas 借代,双关,能具体的讲讲吗? 九年级下英语;根据中文提示完成句子多听,多说是学汉语的秘诀._____ _____ _____ more are _____ _____ _____ Chinese learning. These boys often play computer games after school(改为单数) 谁能帮我用“借代,双关,仿词,设问,反问,婉曲,对偶,反复,顶真,回环,对比,通感,”手法写几个句 We often go( )things there on our way home.A.to shopping B.buying C.to buy D.shopping 陈奕迅 《心的距离》爱有了你 却失去了我的一切 表示事物数量很多的四字词语 三年级上册语文第8单元作文怎么写? 五年级上册语文第八单元作文描写课间玩耍的,主要讲跳皮筋