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英语一篇小短文 要朗诵的立志或... 找一篇适合朗读的英语短文要求:文章要短(3-5分钟)最好是经典新闻或者是经典演讲,诗歌也可以不过要浅显易懂不要太深奥. 求一篇适合朗读的英语文章 求一篇英语初中朗读作文求一篇英语简单的朗读作文,120词左右,带上翻译, 有没有什么好的英文短文练习 英语翻译Sarah:Mum,can I go to Helen’s birthday party this Saturday evening? Mum:Yes,but you should come home before 10 o’clock. Sarah:OK.But what should I wear(穿)? Mum:What about the pink blouse,Sarah? Sarah:It’s nice,but it’s too sma 英语翻译什么题目都行 英语翻译如果我满意,我会加钱的, 英语小短文(30--50字)带翻译 英语短篇小故事六年级短篇英语小故事,不能有错词,语法正确. 关于英语的短篇小故事 短篇英文故事我需要一篇三四行的英语短文故事 急求英语故事短文故事短文,在1~2分钟,要好记,带中文.我要在12月9号比赛的,故事短文,水平在初一左右,也可以超出一点。最好是童话。在1~2分钟,要好记,带中文。我要在12月16号比赛的, 急求几篇英语故事 短文!快速! 练习册63页 作文火烧眉毛了.快 关于小学六年级英语练习册七页的九题小作文 英语翻译A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse.He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail.Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse,that is why I was surprised.It struck me that it could not really make any d 英语题 翻译文章In most parts of the world, many students help their schools make less pollution. They join “environment clubs(俱乐部). ” In an environment club, people work together to make our environment clean. Here are some things 英语翻译 30字左右的英语小短文带翻译(小学) 跪求五篇带有练习题的英语短文(适合五年级阅读) 我给20! 初一英语短篇阅读练习 英语翻译Mr.and Mrs.Smith have just opened a small restaurant(饭馆).In order to(为了) attract customers (吸引顾客) ,they put a notice(告示) in front of(在……前面)the restaurant,which said “Meals on the House for Three 英语翻译我是一个中国女孩,我的父母在中国工作.他们工作很努力.我的爸爸是一位英语老师,我的妈妈是一位医生.每天他们乘地铁上班,我乘公共汽车上学.在星期六,我的爸爸会带我去公园玩. 英语翻译 英语翻译例一(故事):The clock had just struck eleven when I first became aware of a noise coming from the elevator shaft.I opened the door of our flat and listened:someone was beating against the door of the elevator and calling out at t 用所给的词语组成1篇小短文(英语)词语:in cuiheng village,zhongshan,made of bricks,a tree in front of the house,Dr.Sun Yat-Sen planted itDr.Sun Yat-Sen 指孙中山.文章有开头了:This is a photo of Dr.Sun Yat-Sen's old house 寻求英语语法名词的练习题以前英语基础就差~现在想重新学起,希望各位哥哥姐姐可以帮帮忙~有什么好的辅助书籍希望介绍下~ 英语名词专项练习用正确的名词形式填空.1.we have many _____(sport) clubs.Three _____ (apple tree ) are near my home.2.I like ______ (comedy) and _______ (thirller).3.Do you have any _______ (basketball)?4.They are _______(Lily) pens.5 关于名词的英语练习题1.My father was reading( ),when I came home.A.morning paper B.a morning paper C.some paper D.paper 2.There is not any( )for these old things in those( );rooms;roomC.rooms;rooms Drooms;room3.He has three( )u 几道关于名词的英语习题,6.There are a lot of ________ down there but hardly any ________.a. sheeps,people b. sheep,people c. sheeps,peoples d. sheep,peoples7.-How far is it from here?-About _______ walk.a. ten minute's b. te 英语短篇美文(请大家往这里看!)希望英语比赛前的准备,具体要求如下:1.要背起来简单一点的,初二水平(山东省),一分钟之内,正常稍快一点的语速.2.新颖一点的3.有一定内涵,不要笑话之