
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 16:27:04
1、He will be free tomorrow.=He __be free __tomorrow.2、Shall we go out for a walk?=How___ ___out for a walk? 改革开放后人民生活水平的提高有哪些 My parents_________(be strict with)me.Sometinmes it made me very angry.本来我写了were strict with,但是老师打了个错,我问老师,老师说练习册答案是那样,她也不太清楚.决定答案的回答,别瞎编哦,有点急, -Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?-Yes.He had never praised him ___ he became one of the top students in his grade.A.after B.before C.until D.unless —mum,will you take me to the park tomorrow?—If it—rainy.A won‘t B doesn't C isn’t Dwon‘t b这题应该选什么勒 谢 Mum will take ___trip to Hangzhou tomorrow.A.a eight daysB.eight-daysC.an eight-dayD.a eight-day Mum ___ us to the park this Sunday.A.will takes B.is taking C.will take D.be going to take Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? 中华民族传统美德与中国革命道德传统的基本内容有那些方面的联系和传承?急,忙下忙. you/take/to/your/will/the/kite/picnic/tomorrow要求连词成句 以八荣八耻为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观是何时提出的 What are the strongest days in a week?答案是SATURDAY AND SUNDAY为什么, What're the strongest days of the week?Why?希望找出有关与上面的答案 英语猜谜语what comes ones in a year twice in a week but never in a day 英语翻译 我爸爸买车后就戒酒了翻译成英语怎么写 急需几句生日祝福语.比较简洁的!(是同学之间的) mother,her,her,to,will,the,take,hospital连词组句 The mother with her son will go to the zoo tomorrow.对her son提问如何做? "Will you go home tomorrow?"the mother asked her son.(保持句意不变)The mother asked he son ( ) he go home next dayThe mother asked he son ( ) he( ) go home next day 罗马 雅典 希腊 这几个名词我分不清……总是弄混,该说希腊的时候,我说雅典,该讲雅典的时候我说希腊.还有个罗马…… what are the strongest days of a week? What are the strongest days of the week? 我国从1949年到现在人民生活水平超过了哪些国家?我知道被南朝鲜台湾等地区超过,不知道我国超了了哪些国家.就是那个时候比中国强,现在反而不如中国的, 中国恩格尔系数的变化对人民生活水平的影响患者信息:男 20岁 浙江 杭州 为什么社会主义道德建设要与中华民族传统美德相承接 社会主义道德建设为什么要与中华民族传统美德相承接 如何加强道德建设,传承中华民族传统美德 近代中国 代议制简要说明近代中国是怎样借鉴西方代议制的 代议制是什么?它与中国的人民代表大会有何区别? 英国代议制是否适合我国 西方代议制与中国民主集中制的比较?