
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:24:25
environment前面加不加定冠词the Greener China is _____ organization that protects _____ e It is the first time that a Canadian _____a gold medal in a Winter Olympics.A.won B.has won C.had won D.was winning the teacher didn't allow peter to take the test 变为被动语态 He thought that ___ A.the effort doing the job was not worth B.the effort was not worth in doingthe job C.it was not worth the effort doing the job D.it was not worth the effort by doing the job 正确的答案和具体理由以及意思 Time is precious..Do not want to squander time.. 治水必躬亲》一文中“海中介”即【 】,是【 】(朝代)曾骂过皇帝的清官.现代著名历史学家,杂文家【 】 刘彻是怎样当上太子的,是他的母亲一手策划的吗?又是如何过了窦太后这关的 Did you go to bed at night_____happy last night?A.feel B.feels C.feeling D.is feeling为什么选c 王亥驯马的故事. 谁能帮写个作文记住自己失败的时候!是写一件事的!要600字左右! 刘彻的父亲叫什么 刘彻的是怎么死的?汉武帝刘彻的是怎么死的 I Know how to say stinl long you but I think you don't Excuse me,__ I don't think I know you.A.Though B.but选择哪个,为什么? 想法英语 用在句子末尾They hope their children will have a good future 的想法 季节放在英语句子的开头还是末尾? 在英文里,时间是放在句子的开头还是结尾 have influence on 中influence是可数名词吗 He needs us to help him study Maths还是He needs us to help him studies Maths? he needs to ( )the store.He thinks it can help him to be( ) 几道初三题1+1/(1+2)+1/(1+2+3)+1/(1+2+3+4)+……+1/(1+2+3+4+…+n)主要是要过程,谢谢拉书上写的答案为2n/n+1 He needs someone to help him.这个句子对不对,need后面能不能接复合宾语? 求几道初三的题1.把R1=15欧,R2=5欧两电阻并联后接在电源上,通过R1的电流是0.4安,R2两端电压为?干路中总电流为?2.矩形ABCD中,E是AD上一点,且BE=EC,求证AE=ED(该题可只写分析过程)3.矩形纸片ABCD,且 1 有人说‘你要想有益于社会,最好的方法莫如把你自己 这块材料铸造成器’这句话有启示我们要努力成才吗2 为朋友两肋插刀属于可以选择的责任吗3 这又对自己负责的人,才会()多选题A对 三峡中江水清澈的句子 我怎样才能到中山 用英语怎么说 项目计划内外沟通 英文怎么说? 中山的家 用英语怎么说? 多么清澈的贝加尔湖的水!(把句子写具体 填适当的介词~____the word,he rushed ____the rain disappeared ___the disstance.___both side ___the streets,we can see rows ___tall buildings 月光手帕阅读答案月光·手帕 很多年以前,我在医院为父亲陪床.病人熟睡后,陪床的人并没有床可睡.时间已是后半夜,我散步在一楼和三楼的楼梯间.这时的医院没什么走动了,几个乡下人披着棉 宁想有力之奴,不想无力之子--典故出自哪里