
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 09:15:41
you must look oth ways before going___(cross)the street. When you are in England,before you cross the street,you must look to the ( )first andthen to the ( ).括号里填“right"or "left" 公共场合,严禁吸烟.候车室提示语 一起去上学翻译成英语 我们一起去上学.用英语怎么写. 改写下面生硬的提示语 公共场合,严禁吸烟 ''公共场合,严禁吸烟''改为生动的提示语 霍金具有怎样的人生态度?你从中得到什么启迪?生命是什么?(用比喻的手法写个句子) 霍金的一生 霍金的生活霍金 英语翻译Poems For you Love is a wonder My only wish id to see your smile love is a skill That lashions how you think of me i've done so many silly things for you the first is writing poems For you,I wrack my brains to write the words For you,I do 谁来翻译一下这段话?悬赏30财富值速度的!~~~~~稍一熟悉美国人之后,你会发现他们仍旧直率可爱象个大小孩.美国人自命为富有幽默感的民族,如果你骂他不学无术没出息,他反而认为你被物质和 My mother often cooks ____ in many different ways because I like them very much.单选题:A.chicken B.fish C.beef D.potatoes 如果一个人生病了,再一次见到他是说are you feel better now?are you ok? How are you feel now?I feel better now.A How B are C feel Dbetter 找错并改正 Are you feeling better和Do you feel better区别 l feel better now.thank you.问句 (1)霍金的人生观给了我们什么样的启示?(2)你认为,什么样的人生是有意义、有价值的?分析材料——《珍贵的思维》回答问题.霍金是当代世界著名物理学家,在轮椅上已经生活了30余年.在 霍金具有怎样的生活态度,你从中得到怎样的启迪? 带有诗句的一段话. The reason ( )he gave for his absence was ( ) he had missed the bus.A why;that B that; because C why; because D which; that 说详细点谢谢 the reason is ()i missed the bus.为什么不能填why呢?而是填that? can he play basketball变肯定句 This Is a Man’s World MP3 最好是Christina Aguilera 的,别人的也行 发WOSHIBENNY@SINA.COM香奈儿广告曲 请问哪位知道怎么写对公司的寄语 我们属于收藏品公司! We nearly missed the bus.翻译下 Look ()goes the bus.We missed the bus I hope you are better (There are the rules in the computer room.please write themin english)什么意思?翻译:1.脱掉鞋子2.不得大声喧哗3.不准带食物和饮料4.不得将雨伞带入室内5.不准玩电脑游戏快 Are you feeling____better now?A.many B.a lot of C.a few D.a little 一对杂合黑色豚鼠,一胎生下两只小鼠,一只为黑色,一只为白色的概率是多少答案是3/8。 帮忙写一下是怎么算的,谢谢 I(睡过头)and missed the school bus yesterdayhad overslept还是oversleep?