
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 13:19:13
the man who talk with you is my teacher就等于the man talking with you is my teacher吗? 急用 Mr.xxx is the man _______ called to talk with you last night.(选项见下)A.who B.whom C.which 用序组词 “序'组6个词 I have( English at 3:00 in the afternoon.)就划线部分提问 Is that your uncle.(两种回答)I like to read books in the evening.(用He代替I改写成一般疑问句)I have my pencil case in my bag.(改写成否定句) What ________ your uncle have?He________ a newspaper.原题:——What ________ your uncle have?—— He________ a newspaper.A.do,haveB.do,hasC.does,have D.does,has 月夜忆舍弟 这首诗是怎样表达对“舍弟”的思念之情的 读了《月夜忆舍弟》这首诗,你除了体会到诗人思念弟弟、思念故乡的情感,还体会到什么?急 及时回答的加悬赏100分!创造性英语阅读 初级二 十一课 创造性英语阅读 初级二 十一课 及时回答的加悬赏100分! 有哪些词有小序?加翻译和注释! 请翻译The history of the Chinese Cinema in Japan had started with Leslie yet ended with him. We start our long bike ride____the Jinsha River in Octorber.Ain Bon Calong Dabove(谢谢理由) 7.Our bill in the restaurant ___________ $ 500.a.ran to b.went to c.arrived at d.came to 8.She was ___________ by her aunt.a.brought p b.grown up c.taken up d.looked up 9.Her dress was _________ silk.a.made up b.made of c.made from d.made in 请问 He___ ___ ___as a waiter in our restaurant .Now he is our manager.到底填什么啊?急! 实在是想了很久.可能我数学太差了1.f(x)对任意x、y∈R,有f(x+y)=f(x)·f(y),f(x)恒不为0,求证f(x)>02.设f(x)=10^x(x1≠x2),判断正误并证明:f[(x1+x2)/2]<[f(x1)+f(x2)]/23.若任意x∈[0,+∞),1+2^x+3^x+a·4^x<0 m+2-2又根号2m>1解得m<3-2根号2舍,m>3+2又根号2 怎么解得得? 将函数y=sinx的图像上所有点向左平移π/3个单位长度,再把所得的图像上所有点的横坐标伸长原来的2倍,得到的图像所表示的函数是答案是y=sin(x/2+π/3)我写的是y=sin(x/2+π/6)为什么不对?不是 已知函数fx=Inx/x 减x,求函数fx的单调区间?麻烦详细通俗因为我有参考答案但又些步骤不懂~ 18题求解,求过程. acca的f5 几分算过啊? 一题ACCA .• Will and Grace operate separate divisions making and selling products with identical cost structures.Sales price per unit $50Direct materials per unit $12Direct labor per unit $8Fixed production overheads of $200,000 per month are ACCA F5笔试要用什么笔? 1.已知关于x的方程3x²—5x+a=0的一根x1∈(-2,0),另一根x2∈(1,3),求a的取值范围.2.求使函数F(x)=100|(x-1)(x-2)|-kx有四个零点的最大正整数k会一题也行,希望大家能帮个忙. 高一数学 函数题,求解答,在线等答案函数f(x)=2/x-1 ( x属于[2,6] ) 求函数最大值和最小值 求函数 f(x)=Inx+2x-6 的零点的个数. 在线等答案,谢谢了!详细答案 我害怕度(和谐)娘 把我的问题吞了 所以 简述过程也可以不一定要严格的格式 但是一定要思路清晰啊 序能组什么词 什么序,词语.全部 英语阅读,速求!A group of frogs were walking through the woods,and two of them fell into a deep pit.When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was,they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.The two frogs ignored the comments and tried 英语翻译中英翻译1.医生要求他戒烟.The doctor asked him to( ).2.他太激动了,不能入睡.He is too excited( ).3.我过去喜欢开着灯睡觉. the doctor abvised him - - - -(戒烟) 恳请那位懂阿拉伯语的GGJJ帮助翻译下, 英语翻译我是回族最近生了一儿子,阿訇给孩子起了名字,但我看不懂,求懂的人给翻译翻译.