
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:02:11
怎样形容错的时间遇到对的人 在数列an中,若a1=3,a2=2,a(n+2)=2an-3a(n+1),则a4等于多少? 求在数列an中,若a1=3,a2=2,a(n+2)=2an-3a(n+1),则a4等于多少? 求过程 谢谢了 设数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,a1=1,且3a(n+1)=Sn,(1)求a2,a3,a4及an (2)求a2+a4+···+a2n 设函数f(x)=sinπ/6(x),则f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+…f(2008)=? 若函数f(n)=sinnπ/6,求f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+……+f(2008)的值求证:f(n)=f(n+12) 数列an满足an=-1/3a(n-1)(n≥2),a1=4/3,则a4与a2的等差中项?答案是-20/81啊 求英语6分钟对话:In our university,we often hear some complaints from the students about the courses they have taken:some say many courses are so boring,some say there are too many courses.Student A should try to put forward some similar compla 求老友记英文剧本,只有两人的对话,长度三到六分钟, 计算题求步骤 已知函数f(x)=4的x/4的x+2 求:f(1/2009)+f(2/2009)+.+f(2008/2009)的值 If you want to study English well,you should have a lot of ___. 根据所给材料写一段有关“How to study well”的英语短文.要求用should 和ought根据所给材料写一段有关“How to study well”的英语短文.要求用should 和ought to 字数不少于70字.listen to the teacher carefully t 英语对话6人(每人至少十句)一定要6人的。 求一小篇关于买卖东西的英语小对话(六人的) 英语句子填空When Jane was n____ her,she suddenly laughed.One day Jane was do shopping when she saw to cross a busy street.She wanted to cross the,too,so she went over to offer help to the woman.When Jane was n____ her,she suddenly laughed. 一般英语中回答问题 例如when did the writer,我就回答when she was 5这样的状语从句 为什 ∫[1,0]x^2 dx ∫[2,0]x^3 dx 求文档: 2009年安徽省普通高中学业水平测试科学基础化学 计算二次积分∫dy∫e^(x^2)dx,主要是转换积分顺序时的步骤. 形容想尽或用尽种种办法的词语 In the city of Fujisawa,lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki.When she was a teenager,she 36 of going she used to fight over almost everything这句话中over怎么理解? When Sarah was a teenager,she used to fight over almost everything with her family.这一句怎么翻译 句子改写成一般疑问句并作出否定回答,she eats carrots every morning. 帮忙编三个英语对话,口语考试用,每个大约五分钟.请尽快,最好在今天,1、Discuss your partner how to keep good personal relationship2、Do you hope to have a perfect memory,why or why not3、Do you beliieve there is life in out We want to know how we can study well.(改为同义句) We want to know how we can study well.改为同义句 We wangt to know how we can study English well.(改为同义句0 I want to know how I can learn English well .同义句转换 怎么写 (10/x的平方加上3x减4)减去(x加1/x减1)加1 早就有这种计谋的词语 头脑(比喻有计谋,有办法)(造句)————————————————+,*&* 先 ^ ..^